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Review: Crionics - Human Error - Ways to Selfdestruction
Human Error - Ways to Selfdestruction

Label: Candlelight Records
Year released: 2004
Duration: 44:47
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: September 15, 2010
Reviewed by: Bruce Dragonchaser
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.44/5 (68.89%) (9 Votes)

While Krakow's Crionics would go on to pursue heavier, more thrash-based material, their debut from 2004 is an interesting stew of extremity that orbits a melodic, at times symphonic Black Metal staple very much in the Anthems-era Emperor and Spiritual Black Dimensions-period Dimmu vein. Under a slick, heavy, and modern production, Human Error - Ways To Selfdestruction pulses with energy, rarely letting up the pace with a barrage of vicious blast beats and criminal usage of the double pedal. Riff after juicy riff is dished out by vocalist/guitarist Michal "Waran" Skotniczny, whose vocals range from low bellows to almost excellent rasps (something I wished he'd done all the way through). His lower vocals, coupled with screaming solos and dirty melodies bring a touch of Morbid Angel-style Death Metal to the table, while hidden beneath the icy keys are some Destruction-like Euro Thrash elements, which keeps the blood pumping. At times it can be hard to figure out who Crionics want to be (hell, during "Hallowed Whores" they even sound like Children Of Bodom in their early days), but they manage to pull off the mélange with cold, calculated precision and a good degree of ability.

Every song is memorable, with "Waterfalls Of Darkness" and the stellar "Episode Of The Falling Star" being the pick of the bunch, and though everything here has been done before, Human Error remains a listenable slab of modern melodic Black Metal that won't appeal to the purists, but will find a home among the collections of various genre buffs.

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