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Review: Excommunion - Superion

Label: WWIII Music
Year released: 2002
Tracks: 6
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: November 18, 2002
Reviewed by: Christian Renner
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Rated 3.5/5 (70%) (12 Votes)

Normally I would write some background info on the band but in this case I really don’t much about them so I will just have to go with what I hear from the music.

The band is playing death metal very reminiscent of the American style with definite influences from Morbid Angel but it also has a few black metal influences thrown in here and there as well. This is certainly not music for the timid. This is extremely heavy with quite a few blast beats but not so many that it starts to overpower the music as a whole. The vocals are the low growling style that makes it difficult to understand what he is actually singing about. Not that this really matters considering I am pretty sure he isn’t singing about the last time he was with that special someone…heh. The biggest surprise for me though was the extremely well played guitar work. The rhythm work is excellent and the added melody line every so often adds a little extra punch to the music, which keeps it from becoming a wall of sound. The songwriting itself is also rather impressive since there are quite a few tempo changes within each song. This added dimension gives the songs a little more depth than you would normally expect from this genre.

Overall I would say if you are a fan of the genre this is certainly worthy of your attention. I don’t normally care for this style all that much but I can get into it once in a while. With all the little extras within the music it makes this album easier to get into. It wont be one of those CD’s that gets stuck in player but I will certainly be listening to this album again. Recommended.

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