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Review: Grima Morstua - Magnam Mortem Transcendere
Grima Morstua
Magnam Mortem Transcendere

Label: Hammer of Damnation
Year released: 2010
Duration: 35:51
Tracks: 7
Genre: Black Metal


Review online: May 4, 2011
Reviewed by: Christopher Foley
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Rated 2.7/5 (54%) (10 Votes)

Make no mistake about it, I'm very picky when it comes to black metal, and while I enjoy bands from most subgenres and styles under the black metal flag the band has to tick a few boxes, none of which Grima Morstua tick.

Strike one; the vocals are lame and unspectacular giving me more a headache than chilling me to the bone. Strike two; musically the band is a mess, jamming in obscure note patterns and ideas with no flair for the placement of vocal passages - a big no-no in my book. Strike three; the riffs are, for lack of a better word, shit.

This is some painfully average, pedestrian black metal that sounds tired and neutered, where's the hate? The energy? Where's the fucking balls!? Grima Morstua, I'd like to introduce you and Magnam Mortem Transcendere to the crap heap, may your stay be long and painful; just like your album.

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