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Review: Lay Down Rotten - Mask of Malice
Lay Down Rotten
Mask of Malice

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2012
Duration: 41:56
Tracks: 10
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: March 17, 2012
Reviewed by: Christopher Foley
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This is some pretty atypical death metal, and thus doesn't really leave me with all that much to say. Lay Down Rotten takes to the modern school of death metal, with clean production, triggered double bass pedals, Nevermore-esque low end to the guitars and barely audible bass. Now with the exception of the bass this is hardly a negative, although those old school death metal purists are probably going to want to avoid this like the sputtering old man on the bus.

Fans of acts such as Illdisposed, Hackneyed, Behemoth and to an extent Amon Amarth are going to find a decent amount of mileage here, and I would be lying if I said this wasn't well played. The band is at their best when aping Amon Amarth melodies, although there are a few bad-ass jack hammer that stick out and do their job. Lead guitars are well handled to. If you like modern death metal I'd say give this a blast, and I can assure you're going to find enjoyment.

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