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Review: Existance - Existance

Label: High Roller Records
Year released: 2011
Duration: 42:12
Tracks: 8
Genre: Heavy Metal


Review online: June 3, 2012
Reviewed by: MetalMike
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.5/5 (70%) (4 Votes)

Existance, the debut album by the French band of the same name, is the kind of throwback, NWOBHM-style stuff I love, but there are some problems. There is nothing wrong with the band members' playing but the performances are flat and somewhat lifeless. Most of the songs are clearly the products of Iron Maiden's twin-guitar style but are so bland I have a hard time coming up with reasons to not just grab Killers or Number of the Beast. The vocals are underpowered or, at the very least, the singer is holding back as if he expects his voice to crack.

Existance isn't all bad, however. The second to last song, "Waverly Hills," finds the band stepping up their game, both in songwriting and performing. The melody is actually engaging and the song features some real energy. The solo works well with the rest of the song and isn't just a series of notes where the lead is supposed to be. The closer, "Existance," is an instrumental and shows off the best guitar work of the entire album. It brings to mind classic Warlord.

Existance isn't a particularly great start but the last few songs show promise. Until they can come up with a whole album that matches those two songs, you can safely stick to your Iron Maiden albums.

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