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Review: Cellador - Honor Forth
Honor Forth

Label: Independent
Year released: 2011
Duration: 18:43
Tracks: 4
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: June 14, 2013
Reviewed by: MetalMike
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.33/5 (66.67%) (9 Votes)

U.S. Power Metal band Cellador jumped into the fray in 2008 with their debut album, Enter Deception, released by none other than venerable Metal Blade Records. Cellador is a little different from most U.S.-based PM bands in that they play a distinctly European style with keyboards and, often times, high-pitched vocals on the choruses. Apparently, Metal Blade wasn't quite sure what to do with Cellador and Enter Deception ended up being the only album the two parties conspired on.

Jump forward to 2011 and we find Cellador still at it, releasing an independently produced four-song EP, Honor Forth, in an effort to win a new label contract. The style has changed very little since the debut; European Power Metal with perhaps a little more crunch and a little less keyboard noodling. The speed of tracks like "Honor Forth" and "Concious Defector" is still in the Dragonforce, blink-and-you-miss-it realm. These also happen to be the best written songs on the EP and had my foot tapping. "I'm Omega" and "Unchained" are decent but some of the band's deficiencies are a little more exposed, such as Chris Peterson's vocal limitations. He's not bad but he doesn't sell his lines as well as you might expect and his screams are a hair off. Other than that, Honor Forth is a fun, rollicking ride that should get Cellador some long looks from the Power Metal-focused labels (I'm looking at you, AFM and Limb Music).

More about Cellador...
Review: Enter Deception (reviewed by Bruce Dragonchaser)
Review: Enter Deception (reviewed by Larry Griffin)
Review: Honor Forth (reviewed by Edward T. Head)
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