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Review: Evilnight - Stormhymns of Filth
Stormhymns of Filth

Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Year released: 2014
Duration: 23:06
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black/Thrash


Review online: September 21, 2014
Reviewed by: MetalMike
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Rated 3/5 (60%) (3 Votes)

Stormhymns of Filth, one of the best album titles I've heard in a long time, is 23 minutes of short, sharp jabs to the face from Finland's Blackened Thrash Metal newcomers, Evilnight. Early Slayer is the prime reference point (cemented with the opening bars of "Raining Blood" inserted in the song "Turbofuck"), but other Speed Metal legends like Agent Steel and Hallow's Eve and current bands like Desaster and Aura Noir are all cut from the same cloth. Stormhymns of Filth is a cassette-only release from Hells Headbangers (you can also download it from Evilnight's Bandcamp page) and the source material doesn't have the dynamic sound you get from most modern releases but that does nothing to dull the murderous intensity of the performances or the evil, ever so slightly misogynistic lyrics ("Dykes on Bikes" doesn't sound like it is meant as an open love letter to women). All the songs are played with speed, speed and more speed, resulting in some truly short running times and the 10 songs barely top 23 minutes of total running time. Every song is joyously evil with blackened vocals, a vintage 80s guitar tone and smart solos but they are so fast it leaves little room for variation. The riffs are quite similar and the drum beat is nearly monotonous so the songs really start to run together and despite the brevity of the album, Stormhymns of Filth gets a little tedious toward the end.

At the end of the day, Stormhymns of Filth shows a lot of promise and I can pick any song and just start banging my head. Evilnight will need to vary the songs more on the next release, though I encourage them to keep the speed level high, as they do that very well.

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