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Review: Hordak - Under the Sign of the Wilderness
Under the Sign of the Wilderness

Label: Griffin Music
Year released: 2011
Duration: 55:44
Tracks: 10
Genre: Pagan Metal


Review online: November 24, 2014
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
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Rated 3.9/5 (78%) (10 Votes)

First off, "Hordak" is a villain from the Masters of the Universe cartoon. According to the band, the name was chosen for its connection to their "childhoods and present ideals." In addition to that, Hordak describe their music as "Celtiberian" Pagan Metal. The word "Celtiberian" refers to the peoples formed from the merger of emigrating Celts and (Spanish) native Iberians.

Under the Sign of the Wilderness is Hordak's third studio album and even if it does not awe all of Spain with its greatness, it's still a well-crafted and tightly played album that offers nearly one hour of entertainment in the form of catchy and melodious extreme Metal which, in Hordak's case, is 85% melodic Swedish-tinged Black Metal.

Hordak reminds me of the Swedish Black/Viking Metal act Allegiance, with less Death and Viking Metal elements in their sound. Melody and catchiness are still these Spaniards' best assets and they have plenty wrapped up in their songs on this record. To me, Hordak sound amazingly enjoyable. Their "Celtiberian" Pagan Metal has the wings to fly us all far away from this unfair and rotten world. You just need to make yourself comfortable on a sofa or bed and close your eyes in order to pay a visit Hordak's world of wonders. It's a masterfully crafted world of melodic Black Metal songs that have lots of depth.

As for the production, it's not that great but still tolerable. The drum sound is weak and the guitars could have a bit more power. Gladly, the other aspects of Hordak's music make up for the shortcomings of the sound. Strongly recommended.

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