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Review: Dark Moor - Project X
Dark Moor
Project X

Label: Scarlet Records
Year released: 2015
Duration: 46:04
Tracks: 10
Genre: Power Metal


Review online: November 22, 2015
Reviewed by: Bruce Dragonchaser
Readers' Rating
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Rated 1.67/5 (33.33%) (6 Votes)

What the holy fuck is this? Is it supposed to be the new Dark Moor album? Because I kind of expected, you know, a metal record or something, with guitars and so on. Not synth patches, choirs, pop melodies and no traces of metal whatsoever. I get that this is supposed to be sci-fi influenced, and therefore needs keyboards to get that idea across, but couldn't they at least attempt to build Power Metal songs out of it?

This is seriously Hard Rock at best, and at worst a shameful nail in the coffin of this once fine band. Do not buy Project X even if you find it in the discount bin; at least Ars Musica had some redeeming features. This is a fucking insult.

More about Dark Moor...
Review: Ancestral Romance (reviewed by Christopher Foley)
Review: Ars Musica (reviewed by Christopher Foley)
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Review: Autumnal (reviewed by Sargon the Terrible)
Review: Beyond the Sea (reviewed by Ivan the Bludgeon)
Review: Dark Moor (reviewed by Sargon the Terrible)
Review: Tarot (reviewed by Sargon the Terrible)
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Review: The Hall of the Olden Dreams (reviewed by Eddiethe'Ead)
Interview with Enrik Garcia on May 2, 2007 (Interviewed by Bruce Dragonchaser)
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