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Review: Artillery - Penalty by Perception
Penalty by Perception

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2016
Duration: 53:40
Tracks: 11
Genre: Power/Thrash


Review online: April 15, 2016
Reviewed by: Christopher Foley
Readers' Rating
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Rated 3.92/5 (78.33%) (12 Votes)

After firing on all cylinders with the killer Legions, Artillery continues the barrage into its eighth full-length, further expanding the established sound of the aforementioned album with an incendiary upgrade. I'd say full on Power/Thrash mode has been achieved thanks to Michael's vocals and a streamlined songwriting approach. Of course heads will still be torn thanks to less polish on the guitars, and the expected scatter-shot of riffs.

If there's an issue concerning Penalty by Perception, it's a lack of memorability or sticking power. These songs are fun and enjoyable when playing, you'll pump your fists and bang your head; but you probably won't remember anything after the disc stops spinning. Further traversing that path of thought you'll find the album feels more like a refinement than a push forward, which relegates this from a must-have to a for fans of the band, or grab if you want a solid thrash disc type affair.

Thankfully rippers like "Cosmic Brain" and the opening shot "In Defiance of Conformity" ensure an overall enjoyable listening experience. Artillery are hardly loaded with blanks, although I feel more may be required next time around to avoid another My Blood. I'd take this over your garden variety throwback pizza and beer Thrash, but it's a ways from essential.

More about Artillery...
Review: By Inheritance (reviewed by Daniel DGYDP Guerrero)
Review: Legions (reviewed by Christopher Foley)
Review: One Foot In The Grave, the Other One In The Trash (reviewed by Daniel DGYDP Guerrero)
Review: The Face of Fear (reviewed by Bruno Medeiros)
Review: The Last Journey (reviewed by Michel Renaud)
Review: When Death Comes (reviewed by Daniel DGYDP Guerrero)
Review: When Death Comes (reviewed by PowerMetal59)
Review: X (reviewed by Michel Renaud)
Interview with Søren Nico Adamsen (vocals) on January 17, 2009 (Interviewed by Daniel DGYDP Guerrero)
Interview with guitarist Michael Stützer on October 26, 2013 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
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