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Review: Desaster - The Oath of an Iron Ritual
The Oath of an Iron Ritual

Label: Metal Blade Records
Year released: 2016
Duration: 47:17
Tracks: 10
Genre: Black/Thrash


Review online: April 26, 2016
Reviewed by: Sargon the Terrible
Readers' Rating
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Rated 4.05/5 (81%) (20 Votes)

It has been a long time since I enjoyed a Desaster album this much. I am a huge fan of their early albums like A Touch of Medieval Darkness and Tyrants of the Netherworld, but later works have not grabbed me, and for a long time I just resigned myself to not liking their post-Okkulto direction, which often seemed too cleaned-up and too accessible.

This one, however, sees Desaster back to their subterranean ways, with an album of crushing, flailing, pissed-off Thrash flavored with that kick of Blackened Satanic attitude they always brought to the table. The production is dirty and vicious, the riffs are aggressive and unapologetically old-school, and the songs are evil barrages of violence and hatred. Vocalist Sataniac is hitting that Thrash vibe without trying to sound too guttural, and as a result the entire thing sounds like the album this band should have made after the awesomeness of Tyrants. Fucking killer.

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