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Review: Venenum - Trance of Death
Trance of Death

Label: Sepulchral Voice Records
Year released: 2017
Duration: 50:32
Tracks: 7
Genre: Death Metal


Review online: May 24, 2017
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
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Rated 3.75/5 (75%) (4 Votes)

Germany has produced perhaps the most interesting and quality Death Metal bands in Europe during this last decade; the names are out there and you don't have to look around too long to find them.

One of the best German Death Metal acts is this bunch called Venenum, hailing from Schwabach, Bavaria, whose debut album, Trance of Death, was released on the German underground label Sepulchral Voice Records that is usually known for its quality products. Occult-tinged, murky Death Metal waters is where Venenum keep their boat sailing. The band have the right recipe for building up strong atmospheres through their songs on this release, much like their country mates in crime, Sulphur Aeon, though not the Lovecraftian Death Metal way. They also experiment a bit here and there, just like on "The Nature of the Ground", which hits its listener straight on the face like a fist of doom. The last three songs are divided into three sections ("Trance of Death Part I-III") that all create a concept around the Trance of Death title. These three songs represent the album's so-called 'Grande Finale', especially the last part, "There Are Other Worlds...", which has multiple interesting layers in it, lasting over 14 minutes. It's quite an epic and experimental track.

Trance of Death is the kind of Death Metal album that wants to break boundaries within the genre. Check it out if you want to know how Death Metal can be created a bit differently than usual.

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