Latest 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Various Books/Zines |
Artist | Album | Genre | Year | Rating | Reviewer | Date Reviewed |
A Diadem of Dead Stars | Emerald Sunsets | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2023-03-11 |
A Diadem of Dead Stars | Emerald Sunsets | Black Metal | 2023 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-03-20 |
A Forest | The Spirit Of The Forest (To Bleed Northern Spirit) | Black Metal | 2003 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-02-09 |
A Forest of Stars | Opportunistic Thieves of Spring | Black Metal | 2010 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-07-17 |
A Forest of Stars | The Corpse of Rebirth | Black Metal | 2008 | 2 | Caspian | 2009-01-08 |
A Forest of Stars | The Corpse of Rebirth | Black Metal | 2008 | 4.5 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-09-21 |
A Lower Deep | Parable Of The Thorn | Progressive Metal | 2004 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-10-26 |
A Lower Deep | Trinity | Heavy/Progressive | 2005 | 3.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-09-23 |
A Sound of Thunder | Tales from the Deadside | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 4 | MetalMike | 2016-01-08 |
A Sound of Thunder | The Lesser Key of Solomon | Heavy/Power Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2014-10-13 |
A Thousand Sufferings | Bleakness | Doom Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-03-21 |
A Tortured Soul | Lucifer's Fate | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4.5 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-10-28 |
A Tortured Soul | Lucifer's Fate | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4 | MetalMike | 2010-04-22 |
A Tortured Soul | Lucifer's Fate | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 3.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-08-27 |
Aäkon Këëtrëh | Dans la forêt | Black Metal | 1997 | 4.2 | Ktb | 2005-05-27 |
A.C.O.A. | Life Lessons Learned Too Late | Death Metal | 2002 | 3.5 | Scott Murray | 2003-02-12 |
A.R.G. | Redemption from Refaim | Death/Thrash | 2015 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-08-01 |
A/Oratos | Ecclesia Gnostica | Black Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2024-01-17 |
A2Z | Parasites of Paradise | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 4.5 | Mjölnir | 2021-03-02 |
Aara | En Ergo Einai | Black Metal | 2020 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2020-03-28 |
Aara | Triade II: Hemera | Black Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Micah.Ram | 2022-07-18 |
Aardvark | Tough Love | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | MetalMike | 2024-06-15 |
Aardvark | Tough Love | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-02-27 |
Aarni | Bathos | Doom Metal | 2004 | 2.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-09-23 |
Abacinate | Genesis | Death Metal | 2011 | 2.75 | Michel Renaud | 2011-01-30 |
Abadden | Sentenced to Death | Thrash Metal | 2010 | 3 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-11-05 |
Abaddon Incarnate | Dark Crusade | Death/Grind | 2004 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2004-10-13 |
Abaddon Incarnate | The Wretched Sermon | Death Metal | 2022 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-07-04 |
Abbath | Abbath | Black Metal | 2016 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2018-05-27 |
Abbath | Dread Reaver | Black Metal | 2022 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-04-29 |
Abbath | Outstrider | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2019-08-08 |
Abbey of the Ancient Ones | Abbey of the Ancient Ones | Black/Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2025-01-27 |
Abbey ov Thelema | A Fragment ov the Great Work | Black Metal | 2011 | 1 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-04-01 |
Abdicate | Forged in Ruin | Death Metal | 2009 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2010-02-10 |
Abdicate | Relinquish the Throne | Death Metal | 2008 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2008-11-25 |
Aberration | Refracture | Black/Death | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-03-12 |
Aberration/Diabolic Oath | Divinations | Black/Death | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-01-10 |
Aberrator | Beckoning Tribulation | Black/Death | 2024 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-11-21 |
Abhomine | Demonize Destroy Delete | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2022-04-10 |
Abhomine | Proselyte Parasite Plague | Black/Death | 2020 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2020-01-29 |
Abhor | Ab Luna Lucenti, Ab Noctua Protecti | Black Metal | 2011 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-08-28 |
Abhor | Occulta religiO | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2018-08-17 |
Abhor | Occulta religiO | Black Metal | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2022-08-27 |
Abhor | Sex Sex Sex (Ceremonia Daemonis Antichristi) | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-09-08 |
Abhorration | After Winter Comes War | Death Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2021-12-26 |
Abhorration | Demonolatry | Death Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-10-24 |
Abhorrence | Evoking the Abomination | Death Metal | 2001 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2002-08-27 |
Abhorrence | Megalohydrothalassophobic | Death Metal | 2018 | 4 | MetalMike | 2018-09-03 |
Abhorrence | Megalohydrothalassophobic | Death Metal | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2019-02-16 |
Abhorrency | Climax of Disgusting Impurities | Black/Death | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-09-23 |
Abhorrent | History of the World's End | Death/Thrash | 2013 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-01-25 |
Abhorrent Deformity | Slaughter Monolith | Death Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-04-19 |
Abhorrent Expanse | Gateways to Resplendence | Death Metal | 2022 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-05-30 |
Abhoth | Abhoth | Death Metal | 2014 | 3 | MetalMike | 2016-12-03 |
Abigail | Far East Black Metal Onslaught | Black/Thrash | 2018 | 3 | MetalMike | 2018-10-31 |
Abigail Williams | In the Absence of Light | Black Metal | 2010 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-09-09 |
Abigor | Höllenzwang (Chronicles of Perdition) | Black Metal | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-03-27 |
Abigor | Satanized | Black Metal | 2001 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2001-11-24 |
Abigor | Totschläger (A Saintslayer's Songbook) | Black Metal | 2020 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2021-01-23 |
Abiotic | Symbiosis | Death Metal | 2012 | 3 | Christopher Foley | 2012-12-27 |
Abitabyss | Rural métal | Death Metal | 2014 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2019-04-22 |
Abnormal Thought Patterns | Abnormal Thought Patterns | Progressive Metal | 2011 | 3 | MetalMike | 2012-01-29 |
Abominator | Barbarian War Worship | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2016-12-23 |
Abominator | Evil Proclaimed | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-06-22 |
Abominator | Nuctemeron Descent | Black/Death | 2003 | 4.5 | Chaossphere | 2004-01-07 |
Abominator | Subversives for Lucifer | Death/Black | 2001 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2008-08-13 |
Abominattion | Doutrine of False Martyr | Death Metal | 2003 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-10-01 |
Aborted | Global Flatline | Death Metal | 2012 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2012-02-26 |
Aborted | Maniacult | Death Metal | 2021 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-08-21 |
Aborted | Strychnine.213 | Death Metal | 2008 | 3.75 | Christopher Foley | 2010-01-31 |
Aborted | The Purity of Perversion | Death Metal | 1999 | 3.5 | Gruesome Sean | 2024-02-08 |
Aborted | Vault of Horrors | Death Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-03-22 |
Aborym | Fire Walk With Us | Black Metal | 2001 | 4.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-02-27 |
Aborym | Kali Yuga Bizarre | Black Metal | 2002 | 3.5 | Christian Renner | 2002-12-31 |
Abraxas | Tomorrow's World | Power Metal | 1998 | 4 | MetalMike | 2009-02-10 |
Abruptum | Evil Genius | Black Metal | 2006 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-03-03 |
Abscess | Dawn of Inhumanity | Death Metal | 2010 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2010-03-05 |
Abscess | Horrorhammer | Death Metal | 2007 | 2.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-04-25 |
Abscession | Rot of Ages | Death Metal | 2021 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-10-13 |
Absentia Lunae | Historia Nobis Assentietvr | Black Metal | 2009 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-04-28 |
Absit Omen | Brutal Conquer | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-12-23 |
Absolon | The Blood Seed | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2024-10-08 |
Absolute Steel | Womanizer | Heavy Metal | 2005 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2006-03-27 |
Abstract Spirit | Horror Vacui | Funeral Doom | 2011 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-09-04 |
Abstract Spirit | Liquid Dimensions Change | Funeral Doom | 2008 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-01-27 |
Abstract Spirit | Tragedy and Weeds | Funeral Doom | 2009 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-01-04 |
Abstrakt | Uncreation | Black/Death | 2021 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-11-28 |
Absu | Absu | Black/Thrash | 2009 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-02-12 |
Absu | Abzu | Black/Thrash | 2011 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-12-04 |
Absu | Mythological Occult Metal: 1991-2001 | Black Metal | 2005 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2005-11-08 |
Absu | Tara | Black Metal | 2001 | 4.5 | Christian Renner | 2002-05-11 |
Absu | Tara | Black Metal | 2001 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-12-14 |
Absu | The Sun Of Tiphareth | Black/Thrash | 1995 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-10-06 |
Absu | The Third Storm Of Cythraul | Black Metal | 1997 | 4 | Chaossphere | 2005-06-11 |
Absu | The Third Storm Of Cythraul | Black Metal | 1997 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-12-08 |
Absurd | Totenlieder | NS Black Metal | 2003 | 4.25 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-03-08 |
Abused Majesty | Man Created God in His Own Image | Death/Black | 2009 | 4 | Tony Augsburg | 2009-08-13 |
Abused Majesty | Serpenthrone | Black Metal | 2004 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-04-07 |
Abusus | Lichter, Gedanken, & Lieder | Black Metal | 2005 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-10-12 |
Abysm | Demo 2007 | Death/Thrash | 2007 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2007-06-17 |
Abysmal | 333 | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2007-11-02 |
Abysmal | Above the Entry of Despair | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2007-11-04 |
Abysmal | Bleak Serenades | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2007-11-27 |
Abysmal | The Plague | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2007-11-03 |
Abysmal Darkening | No Light Behind | Doom Metal | 2011 | 3 | MetalMike | 2011-08-03 |
Abysmal Darkening | No Light Behind | Doom Metal | 2011 | 1.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-09-02 |
Abysmal Dawn | From Ashes | Death Metal | 2006 | 4 | Mike Henn | 2009-02-08 |
Abysmal Dawn | Nightmare Frontier | Death Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Micah.Ram | 2022-06-17 |
Abysmal Lord | Bestiary of Immortal Hunger | Black/Death | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-01-31 |
Abysmal Lord | Disciples of the Inferno | Black/Thrash | 2015 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2017-01-16 |
Abysmal Lord | Exaltation of the Infernal Cabal | Black Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2019-12-13 |
Abysmal Lord | Storms of Unholy Black Mass | Black/Death | 2014 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2014-07-31 |
Abysmalia | Replenish Entirety | Progressive Metal | 2010 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-06-10 |
Abysme | Strange Rites | Death Metal | 2012 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2013-01-19 |
Abyssal Ascendant | Chronicles of the Doomed Worlds - Part I: Enlightenment from Beyond | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-01-10 |
Abyssal Frost | The Pyre Aflame | Black/Death | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2025-01-01 |
Abyssal Temple | Demo I - II | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2022-05-02 |
Abyssic | Brought Forth in Iniquity | Doom/Death | 2022 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-10-13 |
Abyssum | Poizon of God | Black Metal | 2021 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-05-21 |
Abyssus | Monarch to the Kingdom of the Dead | Death Metal | 2012 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-10-14 |
Abythic | Eden of the Doomed | Death Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2022-04-29 |
Acathexis | Acathexis | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2020-01-16 |
Acathexis | Acathexis | Black Metal | 2018 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2020-05-09 |
Acathexis | Immerse | Black Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-02-22 |
Accept | Balls to the Wall | Heavy Metal | 2001 | 5 | Pierre Bégin | 2001-09-29 |
Accept | Blind Rage | Heavy Metal | 2014 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2014-08-13 |
Accept | Blood of the Nations | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4.75 | MetalMike | 2010-09-08 |
Accept | Humanoid | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-06-04 |
Accept | Metal Blast From The Past | 2002 | 4 | Pierre Bégin | 2004-03-29 | |
Accept | Metal Heart | Heavy Metal | 1985 | 5+ | Christian Renner | 2005-07-12 |
Accept | Restless and Wild | Heavy Metal | 1982 | 4.75 | MetalMike | 2021-08-26 |
Accept | Stalingrad | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2012-04-25 |
Accept | Staying A Life | 1990 | 4.25 | Pierre Bégin | 2002-02-07 | |
Accept | The Rise of Chaos | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2017-09-16 |
Accept | The Rise of Chaos | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2017-09-21 |
Accept | Too Mean to Die | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2020-12-29 |
Accidental Suicide | Dead Erotica | Doom/Death | 2017 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2018-03-04 |
Accursed Spawn | Bhopal '84 | Death Metal | 2018 | Michel Renaud | 2018-04-15 | |
Accursed Spawn | Putrid | Death Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2014-12-28 |
Accursed Spawn | The Virulent Host | Death Metal | 2019 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2019-03-16 |
Accuser | Accuser | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-11-17 |
Accuser | Rebirthless | Thrash Metal | 2024 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2024-11-12 |
Acephalix | Interminable Night | Death Metal | 2011 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2011-08-10 |
Acero Letal | Legiones | Heavy/Speed Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2024-08-20 |
Acerus | The Caliginous Serenade | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-02-20 |
Acerus | The Caliginous Serenade | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4.75 | Mjölnir | 2024-04-26 |
Acerus | The Tertiary Rite | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-10-30 |
Acerus | The Unreachable Salvation | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-11-15 |
Aces | Midnight Viper | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2023-01-21 |
Achelous | The Icewind Chronicles | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4 | MetalMike | 2022-04-19 |
Achelous | Tower of High Sorcery | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2024-03-28 |
Acheron | Anti-God, Anti-Christ | Death Metal | 1996 | 3.5 | Chaossphere | 2004-05-29 |
Acheron | Kult des Hasses | Black/Death | 2014 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2014-06-14 |
Acheron | Rebirth: Metamorphosing Into Godhood | Death Metal | 2003 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-02-20 |
Acheron | Rites of the Black Mass | Death Metal | 2018 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2018-08-17 |
Acheron | Satanic Victory | Death Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2022-02-13 |
Acheron | The Final Conflict: Last Days of God | Death Metal | 2009 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2009-08-04 |
Acherontas | 15 Years Anniversary of Left Hand Path Esoterica | Black Metal | 2011 | 4.5 | Memnarch | 2011-11-05 |
Acherontas | Malocchio - The Seven Tongues of Δαημων | Black Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2022-06-22 |
Acheronte | Ancient Furies | Black Metal | 2016 | 3.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-07-13 |
Acheronte | Son of No God | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-04-19 |
Achren | The Forgotten King | Black/Thrash | 2011 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-11-05 |
Acid Age | Drone Shark Ethics | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 2.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-03-09 |
Acid Bath | When the Kite String Pops | Doom Metal | 1994 | 5 | Adam Kohrman | 2012-01-01 |
Acid Blade | Power Dive | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2022-12-05 |
Acid Blade | Power Dive | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2022-10-28 |
Acid Blade | Power Dive | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-11-08 |
Acid Blade | Shooting Star | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2023-08-27 |
Acid Force | World Targets in Megadeaths | Thrash Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2024-01-22 |
Acid Reign | Obnoxious | Thrash Metal | 1991 | 1.75 | 4th Horseman | 2004-10-11 |
Acid Reign | The Fear | Thrash Metal | 1989 | 4 | 4th Horseman | 2004-10-10 |
Acid Speech | Corrosive Riot | Thrash Metal | 2008 | 3 | Daniel DGYDP Guerrero | 2009-01-05 |
Acid Witch | Evil Sound Screamers | Death Metal | 2017 | 2 | MetalMike | 2018-02-25 |
Acid Witch | Midnight Movies | Death Metal | 2015 | 2 | MetalMike | 2015-07-14 |
Acid Witch | Rot Among Us | Doom Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2022-11-20 |
Acid Witch | Rot Among Us | Doom Metal | 2022 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-11-07 |
Acid Witch | Stoned | Doom Metal | 2010 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-12-06 |
Acrania | An Uncertain Collision | Death Metal | 2012 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-10-30 |
Acrostichon | Engraved In Black | Death Metal | 1993 | 5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-06-03 |
Ad Hominem | Napalm for All | Black Metal | 2018 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2018-08-14 |
Ad Mortem | In Honorem Mortis | Black Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2025-02-11 |
Ad Nauseam | Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Est | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-07-30 |
Adagio | Archangels in Black | Progressive Metal | 2009 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2009-03-03 |
Adagio | Dominate | Power Metal | 2006 | 3.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-02-10 |
Adagio | Underworld | Neoclassical Power Metal | 2003 | 4.75 | Christopher Foley | 2009-03-05 |
Adamantis | Far Flung Realm | Power Metal | 2021 | 4 | MetalMike | 2021-04-26 |
Adamantis | The Daemon's Strain | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-06-10 |
Adastra | Corroder of Minds | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2012-10-28 |
Adfail | Is it a Game? | Doom Metal | 2014 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-05-15 |
Adiastasia | Life War | Power Metal | 2006 | 2 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2007-12-06 |
Adimiron | Burning Souls | Death/Thrash | 2004 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-04-19 |
ADON | Adon | Black Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2024-04-27 |
Adorned Brood | Hammerfeste | Folk Metal | 2010 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-12-30 |
Adorned Brood | Kuningaz | Folk Metal | 2012 | 3 | Christopher Foley | 2013-01-18 |
Adorned Brood | Kuningaz | Folk Metal | 2012 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2013-02-23 |
Adorned Brood | Noor | Pagan Metal | 2009 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2009-05-31 |
Adorned Brood | Noor | Pagan Metal | 2009 | 1 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-09-16 |
Adramelch | Lights from Oblivion | Progressive Metal | 2012 | 2.5 | MetalMike | 2012-07-14 |
Adramelech | Terror Of Thousand Faces | Death Metal | 2005 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2005-11-14 |
Adrenicide | War Begs No Mercy | Thrash Metal | 2010 | Adam Kohrman | 2010-11-30 | |
Adumus | Infinite Battles For Immortality | Black Metal | 1999 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2007-05-06 |
Adveniat Hiems | Loki | Black Metal | 2009 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-01-15 |
Advent of Bedlam | Behold the Chaos | Death Metal | 2010 | 4,25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-10-19 |
Advent of Bedlam | Flesh Over God | Death Metal | 2012 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-10-27 |
Adversarial | All Idols Fall Before the Hammer | Black Metal | 2010 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2010-10-10 |
Adversarial | Solitude with the Eternal… | Black/Death | 2024 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-05-02 |
ADX | Exécution | Thrash Metal | 1985 | 4.75 | 4th Horseman | 2005-03-09 |
ADX | L'empire du crépuscule | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-07-22 |
ADX | Non Serviam | Speed Metal | 2016 | 4 | Bruno Medeiros | 2016-10-06 |
ADX | Weird Visions | Thrash Metal | 1991 | 4.75 | 4th Horseman | 2004-10-23 |
Adyta | Rose of Melancholy | Symphonic Metal | 2009 | 2.75 | Christopher Foley | 2009-06-23 |
Adyta | Rose of Melancholy | Symphonic Metal | 2009 | 3 | MetalMike | 2009-06-11 |
Aedes | Odious Imprecation | Death Metal | 2025 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2025-01-16 |
Aegeon | Portals - Demo 2011 | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | Joseph Allen | 2011-02-03 |
Aegrus | In Manus Satanas | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-05-29 |
Aegrus | Invoking the Abysmal Night | Black Metal | 2023 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-08-18 |
Aegrus | The Carnal Temples | Black Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2022-01-26 |
Aelvica | Aelvica Amaranthine | Black/Death | 2023 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-10-24 |
Aempyrean | Fireborn | Black/Death | 2018 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2019-03-13 |
AEolian | Echoes of the Future | Melodic Death Metal | 2023 | 4.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-10-20 |
AEolian | Echoes of the Future | Melodic Death Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-11-20 |
AEolian | Silent Witness | Melodic Death Metal | 2018 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-11-21 |
AEolian | The Negationist | Melodic Death Metal | 2020 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2021-01-19 |
Aeon | Aeons Black | Death Metal | 2012 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2012-12-17 |
Aeon | Aeons Black | Death Metal | 2012 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-01-10 |
Aeon | God Ends Here | Death Metal | 2021 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-12-22 |
Aeon | Path of Fire | Death Metal | 2010 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2010-08-29 |
Aeon | Rise to Dominate | Death Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2007-08-16 |
Aeon of Eternal | The Wanderer | Doom/Death | 2021 | 4 | Micah.Ram | 2021-05-23 |
Aeon of Horus | The Embodiment of Darkness and Light | Death Metal | 2011 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-11-13 |
Aeon Winds | Aeon | Black Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-08-23 |
Aeon Winds | Night Sky Illuminations | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-11-06 |
Aeonblack | The Time Will Come | Heavy/Power Metal | 2021 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2021-05-12 |
Aeonless | Aeonless | Death Metal | 2016 | 2 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-06-22 |
Aeons of Eclipse | The Hour of Desolation | Death Metal | 2008 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-11-10 |
Aeons of Hate | Aeons of Hate | Death/Thrash | 2015 | 3.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-04-16 |
Aephanemer | Prokopton | Death Metal | 2019 | 4 | MetalMike | 2019-02-28 |
Aeroscreamer | Cast the Fire | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2022-01-23 |
Aes Dana | Formors | Black/Folk Metal | 2005 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-11-30 |
Aesculeta | Restless Souls | Black Metal | 2020 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-11-23 |
Aesis | Toutas | Black Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-12-06 |
Aesma Daeva | The Eros Of Frigid Beauty | Gothic Metal | 2002 | 4.25 | Scott Murray | 2003-07-14 |
Aeternam | Disciples of the Unseen | Death Metal | 2010 | 2.5 | Michel Renaud | 2010-02-17 |
Aeternam | Ruins of Empires | Melodic Death Metal | 2017 | 4 | Christian Renner | 2017-03-11 |
Aeternus | A Darker Monument | Black Metal | 2003 | 5 | Christian Renner | 2003-04-15 |
Aeternus | Philosopher | Black/Death | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-12-04 |
Aetherial | The Still Waters of Oblivion | Melodic Death Metal | 2015 | 2.75 | MetalMike | 2015-06-15 |
Aetherian | At Storm's Edge | Melodic Death Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-07-14 |
Aetheric | Serpents Beneath the Shrine | Death Metal | 2017 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2017-12-10 |
Aetherius Obscuritas | A Sors Szurke Pora | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-11-12 |
Aetherius Obscuritas | Black Medicine | Black Metal | 2009 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-11-28 |
Aetherius Obscuritas | Mártír | Black Metal | 2020 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-09-18 |
Aetherius Obscuritas | Viziok | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-01-05 |
Aetherius Obscuritas | Viziok | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-11-22 |
Aethyrick | Apotheosis | Black Metal | 2021 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-01-26 |
Aethyrick | Death Is Absent | Black Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-10-11 |
Aethyrick | Praxis | Black Metal | 2018 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2019-09-08 |
Aetranok | Kingdoms of the Black Sepulcher | Black Metal | 2018 | 1.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-11-10 |
After All | Eos | Thrash Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2022-10-18 |
After All | Eos | Thrash Metal | 2022 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-09-04 |
After Forever | After Forever | Power Metal | 2007 | 5 | Larry Griffin | 2009-01-04 |
After Forever | Decipher | Symphonic Metal | 2001 | 3.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-09-29 |
After Forever | Exordium | Gothic Metal | 2003 | 3 | 4th Horseman | 2004-05-19 |
After Forever | Exordium | Gothic Metal | 2003 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-05-23 |
After Forever | Invisible Circles | Symphonic Metal | 2003 | 2.7 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2007-06-30 |
After Forever | Prison Of Desire | Gothic Metal | 2000 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-04-05 |
After Forever | Remagine | Symphonic Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2007-12-04 |
After Forever | Remagine | Symphonic Metal | 2007 | 4.75 | Larry Griffin | 2008-09-27 |
Aftermath | Tides of Sorrow | Symphonic Metal | 2008 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2009-06-18 |
Aftermath (USA) | No Time to Waste | Thrash Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-05-23 |
Aftermath (USA) | There Is Something Wrong | Thrash Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-02-28 |
Afterworld | Connecting Animals | Power Metal | 2000 | 2.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-11-13 |
Afterworld | Dark Side of Mind | Power Metal | 1999 | 2.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-08-01 |
Against Evil | Give 'Em Hell | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-10-25 |
Against Evil | Give 'Em Hell | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-08-21 |
Against the Plagues | Decoding the Mainframe | Black/Death | 2010 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2010-08-02 |
Against the Plagues | Decoding the Mainframe | Black/Death | 2010 | 4.25 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-07-02 |
Agalloch | Ashes Against The Grain | Folk Metal | 2006 | 4.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-01-29 |
Agalloch | Ashes Against The Grain | Folk Metal | 2006 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2006-08-07 |
Agalloch | Marrow of the Spirit | Black Metal | 2010 | 4.5 | Adam Kohrman | 2011-01-08 |
Agalloch | Of Stone, Wind, and Pillor | Folk Metal | 2001 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2001-07-12 |
Agalloch | Pale Folklore | Folk Metal | 1999 | 5 | Michael Andrushcneko | 2001-04-03 |
Agalloch | Pale Folklore | Folk Metal | 1999 | 5 | Michel Renaud | 2001-07-02 |
Agalloch | Pale Folklore | Folk Metal | 1999 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-09-01 |
Agalloch | The Mantle | Folk Metal | 2002 | 2.5 | Caspian | 2009-01-12 |
Agalloch | The Mantle | Folk Metal | 2002 | 4.5 | Christian Renner | 2002-07-22 |
Agalloch | The Mantle | Folk Metal | 2002 | 5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-08-20 |
Agalloch | The Serpent & the Sphere | Folk Metal | 2014 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-06-12 |
Ageless Summoning | Corrupting the Entempled Plane | Death Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-07-01 |
Ageless Wisdom | Demo '90 | Heavy Metal | 1990 | 4.75 | Mjölnir | 2022-05-14 |
Agent Metal | Agent Metal | Heavy/Power Metal | 2001 | 1.75 | Michel Renaud | 2009-03-07 |
Agent Metal | Three Words | Heavy Metal | 2004 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2008-08-25 |
Agent Steel | Alienigma | Heavy/Thrash | 2007 | 4.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-01-25 |
Agent Steel | Alienigma | Heavy/Thrash | 2007 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-10-15 |
Agent Steel | No Other Godz Before Me | Thrash Metal | 2021 | 3 | Mjölnir | 2021-04-04 |
Agent Steel | Omega Conspiracy | Thrash Metal | 1999 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-06-08 |
Agent Steel | Order Of The Illuminati | Thrash Metal | 2003 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-06-22 |
Agent Steel | Skeptics Apocalypse | Speed/Thrash | 1999 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2005-03-26 |
Agent Steel | Unstoppable Force | Speed/Thrash | 1999 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2005-03-23 |
Ages | Uncrown | Black Metal | 2020 | 4 | MetalMike | 2020-08-13 |
Aggravator | Age of Combat | Thrash Metal | 2015 | 3.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-08-14 |
Aggravator | Aggravator | Death/Thrash | 2019 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-10-16 |
Aggravator | Populace Destructor | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-03-15 |
Aggravator | Unseen Repulsions | Death/Thrash | 2021 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2021-06-27 |
Aggressa | Nuclear Death + Demo 1 | Speed/Thrash | 2013 | 3 | MetalMike | 2013-08-09 |
Aggression | Feels like Punk, Sounds like Thrash | Thrash Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-01-11 |
Aggression | From Hell with Hate | Thrash Metal | 2022 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2022-11-27 |
Aggression | Frozen Aggressors | Thrash Metal | 2023 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2023-11-14 |
Aggression | Moshpirit | Thrash Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2010-08-17 |
Aggressive Perfector | Havoc at the Midnight Hour | Black/Thrash | 2019 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2020-04-28 |
Aggressor | Pure Canadian Aggression | Thrash Metal | 2007 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2008-08-20 |
Agiel | Dark Pantheons Again Will Reign | Death Metal | 2002 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2009-02-06 |
Agincourt | Angels of Mons | Heavy Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2011-09-19 |
Agitator | Mental Violence | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-06-13 |
Agnostic | Morbid Embracement | Death Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2012-04-16 |
Agonia Black Vomit | Cosmosatanic Wisdom | Black Metal | 2017 | 1.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-04-22 |
Agonous | United We Serve, Divided We Crawl | Death Metal | 2014 | 3 | MetalMike | 2014-12-25 |
Agos | Aonian Invocation | Black/Death | 2018 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-04-22 |
Agresiva | Eternal Foe | Thrash Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2012-05-13 |
Agressor | Medieval Rites | Death Metal | 1999 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-04-25 |
Agressor | Rebirth | Death/Thrash | 2018 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-08-09 |
Agressor | Satan's Sodomy of Death | Death/Thrash | 2020 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-09-21 |
Agrypnie | Erg | Black Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-09-29 |
Aguynguerran | Perverting the Nazarene Cult | Black Metal | 2008 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-04-20 |
Ahab | The Boats of the Glen Carrig | Funeral Doom | 2015 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-11-21 |
Ahab | The Call of the Wretched Sea | Funeral Doom | 2006 | 3.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-03-19 |
Ahab | The Call of the Wretched Sea | Funeral Doom | 2006 | 4.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-02-25 |
Ahab | The Coral Tombs | Funeral Doom | 2023 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-04-17 |
Ahab | The Divinity of Oceans | Funeral Doom | 2009 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-10-02 |
AhnenHammer | Seelenwinter | Black Metal | 2017 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2017-11-06 |
Aigro Mucifelam | Lost Sounds Depraved | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2008-10-17 |
Aina | Days of Rising Doom - The Metal Opera | Unclassifiable | 2003 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-05-19 |
Air Raid | Across the Line | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2018-03-26 |
Air Raid | Danger Ahead | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-06-10 |
Air Raid | Fatal Encounter | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4 | MetalMike | 2023-03-07 |
Air Raid | Fatal Encounter | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2023-01-28 |
Air Raid | Point of Impact | Heavy Metal | 2014 | 4 | MetalMike | 2015-02-25 |
Airborn | D-Generation | Power Metal | 2003 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-10-22 |
Airborn | Lizard Secrets - Part Two - Age of Wonder | Power Metal | 2020 | 4 | MetalMike | 2021-02-12 |
Airborn | Lizard Secrets: Part One - Land of the Living | Power Metal | 2018 | 4 | MetalMike | 2018-09-13 |
Airborn | Lizard Secrets: Part One - Land of the Living | Power Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-04-26 |
Airdash | Thank God It's Monday | Thrash Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-02-16 |
Airged L'amh | Ode to Salvation | Heavy Metal | 2008 | 4 | Hermer Arroyo | 2009-05-25 |
Airged L'amh | The Silver Arm | Heavy Metal | 2004 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-12-03 |
Airlines of Terror | Terror from the Air | Death Metal | 2015 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-12-02 |
Aisling | Aisling | Black Metal | 2002 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2002-05-28 |
Aisling | Stone of Light | Viking Metal | 2008 | 2 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2009-11-03 |
Aiumeen Basoa | Iraganeko Bide Malkartsutik | Folk Metal | 2010 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2010-08-30 |
Aivvass | Spiritual Archives | Doom Metal | 2024 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-08-29 |
Aiwaz | Darrkh… It Is! | Doom Metal | 2024 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2024-11-17 |
Ajattara | Kalmanto | Doom/Black | 2007 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-03-05 |
Ajattara | Tyhjyys | Doom/Black | 2004 | 3.25 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-10-09 |
Akelei | Een van ons | Doom Metal | 2021 | 3.25 | Mjölnir | 2022-03-30 |
Akem Manah | Night of the Black Moon | Doom/Death | 2012 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-07-22 |
Akercocke | Antichrist | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Brett Buckle | 2009-05-15 |
Akercocke | Choronzon | Black Metal | 2003 | 4.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-03-24 |
Akercocke | Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone | Black Metal | 2005 | 4.75 | Brett Buckle | 2009-05-05 |
Akhenaten | Golden Serpent God | Death/Black | 2018 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-10-03 |
Akhenaten | The Emerald Tablets of Thoth | Death Metal | 2021 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-06-26 |
Akhlys | House of the Black Geminus | Black Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Thomas | 2024-08-06 |
Akoma | Revangels | Symphonic Metal | 2017 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2017-04-23 |
Akoma | The Other Side | Symphonic Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2012-04-20 |
Akphaezya | Anthology II: Links from the Dead Trinity | Avant-garde Metal | 2008 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2011-12-18 |
Akrival | Vitriolic | Black Metal | 2008 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2008-09-24 |
Akrotheism | Law of Seven Deaths | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2019-04-17 |
Aktor | Paranoia | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 1 | MetalMike | 2015-04-15 |
Akvan | Forgotten Glory | Black Metal | 2017 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-12-25 |
Al-Namrood | Astfhl Al Tha'r | Black Metal | 2009 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-09-23 |
Al-Namrood | Atba'a Al-Namrood | Black Metal | 2008 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-07-05 |
Al-Namrood | Enkar | Black Metal | 2017 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-06-01 |
Al-Namrood | Heen Yadhar Al Ghasq | Black Metal | 2014 | 1 | Sargon the Terrible | 2014-04-27 |
Al-Namrood | Kitab Al-Awthan | Black Metal | 2012 | 4.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-03-14 |
Al-Namrood | Worship the Degenerate | Black Metal | 2022 | 3 | MetalMike | 2022-05-23 |
Alabama Thunderpussy | Open Fire | Heavy Metal | 2007 | 3.5 | Larry Griffin | 2007-11-29 |
Alarum | Fluid Motion | Progressive Metal | 2001 | 5 | Christian Renner | 2001-10-02 |
Alas | Absolute Purity | Gothic Metal | 2001 | 3.5 | Scott Murray | 2003-09-21 |
Alasteth | The Nihilism of Alasteth | Black Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-07-07 |
Alastor | Gates of Darkness | Black/Thrash | 2023 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-05-29 |
Alastor Sanguinary Embryo | For Satan and the Ruin of the Divine | Black Metal | 2015 | 2.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-05-14 |
Alastria | Dream in Shadows | Symphonic Metal | 2016 | 2.5 | MetalMike | 2016-12-05 |
Alatyr | Alatyr | Black Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-06-27 |
Alatyr | Alatyr | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2007-11-24 |
Albatross/Vestal Claret | The Kissing Flies/Black Priest | Heavy/Doom | 2012 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2012-09-09 |
Albert | Dinner is Served | Thrash Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2012-12-06 |
Albert Bell's Sacro Sanctus | Ad Aeternum | Heavy Metal | 2016 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-09-18 |
Albert Bell's Sacro Sanctus | Deus Volt | Heavy/Doom | 2014 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-03-06 |
Albert Bell's Sacro Sanctus | Liber III: Codex Templarum | Heavy/Doom | 2018 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-11-11 |
Albert Bell's Sacro Sanctus | Sword of Fierbois | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2022-12-13 |
Album | Majestic SilverEye | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2016-05-19 |
Album | Zephaniah | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2013-01-30 |
Alcatrazz | Take No Prisoners | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4 | MetalMike | 2023-08-26 |
Alcatrazz | Take No Prisoners | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2023-05-12 |
Alcatrazz | V | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2021-11-16 |
Alcest | Ecailles de Lune | Black Metal | 2010 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-03-21 |
Alcest | Le Secret | Black Metal | 2005 | 4.3 | Ktb | 2005-05-28 |
Alcest | Souvenirs d'un autre monde | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-09-14 |
Alchemy Fire | Alchemy Fire | Progressive Power Metal | 2023 | 3 | MetalMike | 2024-07-16 |
Alchemy Fire | Alchemy Fire | Progressive Power Metal | 2023 | 2.75 | Mjölnir | 2024-01-04 |
Alchemy of Flesh | By Will Alone | Death Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-10-23 |
Alchemy-X | 11:59:59 | Progressive Metal | 2003 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2003-01-01 |
Alchemy-X | 11:59:59 | Progressive Metal | 2003 | 3.5 | Scott Murray | 2003-04-16 |
Alchemy-X | 11:59:59 Promo Sampler | Progressive Metal | 2002 | Michel Renaud | 2002-08-15 | |
Alchemy-X | A Delicate Balance | Progressive Metal | 1999 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2002-10-16 |
Alcoholic Force | Gasoline Drinkers - Fantomania IV | Speed Metal | 2013 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-03-23 |
Alcoholocaust | Necro Apocalipse Bestial | Black/Thrash | 2019 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2019-10-19 |
Alcotopia | It Hits the Spot | Thrash Metal | 2019 | 3.5 | Christian Renner | 2021-03-14 |
Aldaaron | Nous Reviendrons Immortels | Black Metal | 2010 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-02-09 |
Aldaaron | Supreme Silence | Black Metal | 2012 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-09-27 |
Aldheorte | Upon Dying Fields | Black Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-01-11 |
Aldorfrea | In Deepest Isolation | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Christian Renner | 2021-09-30 |
Aleister | Nightmare | Thrash Metal | 2023 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-05-15 |
Aleph | Promo 2002 | Heavy Metal | 2002 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2002-10-28 |
Alestorm | Back through Time | Power Metal | 2011 | 4 | MetalMike | 2011-06-20 |
Alestorm | Black Sails at Midnight | Heavy/Folk | 2009 | 2.75 | Hermer Arroyo | 2009-11-08 |
Alestorm | Black Sails at Midnight | Heavy/Folk | 2009 | 3.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-10-12 |
Alestorm | Captain Morgan's Revenge | Power Metal | 2008 | 3.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-02-04 |
Alestorm | Captain Morgan's Revenge | Power Metal | 2008 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-02-11 |
Alestorm | Leviathan | Power Metal | 2008 | 3.25 | Lars Christiansen | 2008-11-17 |
Alestorm | No Grave but the Sea | Power Metal | 2017 | 2 | MetalMike | 2017-07-23 |
Alestorm | Sunset on the Golden Age | Power Metal | 2014 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2014-12-22 |
Aletheian | Dying Vine | Melodic Death Metal | 2008 | 2 | Michel Renaud | 2008-07-14 |
Alex Nunziati | Il mangiatore di peccati | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 2 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2022-10-10 |
Alexis | Birds Of Prey | Heavy/Power Metal | 2010 | 4 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2011-01-22 |
Algaion | Exthros | Black Metal | 2010 | 3.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2011-02-10 |
Algebra | Polymorph | Thrash Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2013-01-07 |
Algebra | Procreation | Thrash Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2010-09-12 |
Alghazanth | Eight Coffins Nails | Black Metal | 2018 | 4 | Bruno Medeiros | 2018-07-08 |
Alghazanth | Vinum Intus | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2012-01-22 |
Alghazanth | Wreath of Thevetat | Black Metal | 2008 | 3 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-09-19 |
Alghazanth | Wreath of Thevetat | Black Metal | 2008 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-09-04 |
Algor | Úder pohanského hnevu | Black Metal | 2003 | 4.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2009-02-15 |
Alienation Cold | Nothing, Nobody, Never | Black Metal | 2012 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-01-16 |
Alitor | Eternal Depression | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-03-06 |
Alkemyst | Meeting In The Mist | Progressive Power Metal | 2003 | 4.25 | Ktb | 2006-01-17 |
Alkemyst | Through Painful Lanes | Progressive Power Metal | 2008 | 4.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2008-10-14 |
Alkhemia | Abraxas | Black Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-03-24 |
Alkira | Juggernaut | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-01-31 |
Alkira | Juggernaut | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2014-10-29 |
Alkira | Klotho | Thrash Metal | 2016 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2017-02-12 |
Alkira | Red Devil | Thrash Metal | 2013 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2013-09-25 |
Alkoholizer | Drunk or Dead... | Thrash Metal | 2010 | 2.5 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-10-06 |
Alkonost | Dar Salamandry | Folk Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2024-12-05 |
Alkonost | Stone Heart Blood | Folk Metal | 2008 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-12-26 |
All for Metal | Legends | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2023-09-16 |
All for Metal | Legends | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2023-06-23 |
All Hell | All Hail the Night | Black/Thrash | 2023 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2023-05-04 |
All Hell | All Hail the Night | Black/Thrash | 2023 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2023-04-13 |
All Hell | The Grave Alchemist | Black/Thrash | 2017 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2017-08-14 |
All Hell | The Red Sect | Black/Thrash | 2015 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2016-06-15 |
All My Sins | Pra sila - Vukov totem | Black Metal | 2018 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-09-20 |
All Rise | Hammered | Heavy/Power Metal | 2016 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2016-10-04 |
All the Cold | To the Emerald Land | Black Metal | 2020 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-01-07 |
Allegaeon | Damnum | Death Metal | 2022 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2022-02-04 |
Allegaeon | Formshifter | Melodic Death Metal | 2012 | 3.25 | Christopher Foley | 2012-08-02 |
Allegaeon | Fragments of Form and Function | Melodic Death Metal | 2010 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2010-10-06 |
Allegaeon | Proponent for Sentience | Death Metal | 2016 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2017-04-06 |
Allegiance | Hymns of Blood | Viking Metal | 2002 | 3.75 | Christian Renner | 2003-04-25 |
Alley | The Weed | Death Metal | 2008 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-05-25 |
Alltheniko | Back in 2066 (Three Head Mutant Chronicles) | Heavy/Thrash | 2012 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2013-02-02 |
Alltheniko | Back in 2066 (Three Head Mutant Chronicles) | Heavy/Thrash | 2012 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-01-03 |
Alltheniko | Fast and Glorious | Heavy/Power Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2015-03-10 |
Alltheniko | Italian History VI | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2018-02-17 |
Alltheniko | Italian History VI | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2017-12-16 |
Almach | Realm | Black Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-04-14 |
Almah | E.V.O. | Power Metal | 2016 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2017-01-07 |
Almah | Fragile Equality | Power Metal | 2008 | 4.5 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-01-03 |
Almah | Motion | Power Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2012-03-10 |
Almana Shchora | Phantom Pain | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-06-27 |
Almanac | Kingslayer | Power Metal | 2017 | 4 | Bruno Medeiros | 2017-12-19 |
Almanac | Tsar | Power Metal | 2016 | 4 | Bruno Medeiros | 2016-04-21 |
Almora | Gates of Time | Power Metal | 2002 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-11-15 |
Almora | Kalihora's Song | Power Metal | 2003 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-12-10 |
Almost Saint | ...For And Against Everybody | Melodic Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2007-09-11 |
Alms | Act One | Doom Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2019-01-20 |
Alpha Tiger | Alpha Tiger | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2018-01-14 |
Alpha Tiger | Beneath the Surface | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-04-20 |
Alpha Tiger | iDentity | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 2 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2015-08-13 |
Alpha Tiger | Man or Machine | Heavy/Power Metal | 2011 | 4.5 | Christopher Foley | 2011-05-26 |
Alphakill | Degrees of Manipulation | Thrash Metal | 2018 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-12-14 |
Alphayn | Heimkehr | Viking Metal | 2014 | 3.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-12-29 |
Alpheratz | Love Murder | Heavy Metal | 1987 | Michel Renaud | 2009-03-05 | |
Altair | Altair | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 3.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-10-07 |
Altar of Oblivion | Barren Grounds | Heavy/Doom | 2016 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2016-12-08 |
Altar of Oblivion | Grand Gesture of Defiance | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2012-12-15 |
Altar of Oblivion | The Seven Spirits | Heavy/Doom | 2019 | 4 | MetalMike | 2019-06-20 |
Altar of Perversion | Intra Naos | Black Metal | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2023-07-21 |
Altar Of Plagues | White Tomb | Black Metal | 2009 | 4.5 | Brett Buckle | 2009-05-23 |
Altarage | Endinghent | Black Metal | 2017 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2017-12-30 |
Altaria | The Fallen Empire | Power Metal | 2006 | 3.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-12-31 |
Altars of Madness | Nine Circles | Progressive Metal | 2015 | 2.5 | MetalMike | 2015-09-25 |
Alter Self | Ashes Over Eden | Death/Thrash | 2009 | 3 | Mike Henn | 2010-01-04 |
Altered Aeon | Dispiritism | Unclassifiable | 2004 | 3 | 4th Horseman | 2006-03-18 |
Altered Beast | Living for the Sin | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-12-27 |
Altered Symmetry | Prologue | Progressive Metal | 2011 | 2 | MetalMike | 2012-06-28 |
Alterium | Of War and Flames | Symphonic Power Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2024-06-06 |
Alunah | Awakening The Forest | Doom Metal | 2014 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2014-12-05 |
Am Himmel | As Eternal as the Starless Kingdom of Sorrow | Black Metal | 2022 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-07-02 |
Am I Blood | Existence of Trauma | Thrash Metal | 2012 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2012-07-14 |
Amanita Virosa | Original Plague | Black/Death | 2019 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-07-27 |
Amaran | A World Depraved | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2002 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2002-05-10 |
Amaran | Promo 2001 | Power Metal | 2001 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2001-05-22 |
Amarna Sky | Rising Heresy | Doom Metal | 2006 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-05-28 |
Amber Tears | Key to December | Doom/Death | 2010 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-04-14 |
Amber Tears | Revelations of Renounced | Doom Metal | 2006 | 4 | Lars Christiansen | 2008-04-02 |
Amber Tears | When There Are No Trails | Doom/Death | 2019 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-01-31 |
Amberian Dawn | Innuendo | Power Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2016-02-28 |
Amberian Dawn | Magic Forest | Power Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2015-02-06 |
Amberian Dawn | Re-Evolution | Power Metal | 2013 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2013-08-01 |
Ambermoon | Facing the Storm | Power Metal | 2000 | 3.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2015-09-21 |
Ambrotos | Transcendental Mastery | Black Metal | 2022 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-10-20 |
Ambush | Desecrator | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 4 | MetalMike | 2016-01-10 |
Ambush | Infidel | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2020-07-06 |
Ambush | Infidel | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-05-12 |
Amduscias | Amduscias | Black Metal | 1998 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-01-11 |
Amebix | Redux | Thrash Metal | 2010 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2010-07-17 |
Amentia | Scourge | Death Metal | 2017 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-03-05 |
Amethyst | Throw Down the Gauntlet | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2024-11-18 |
Amezarak | Non Lucidum Tristitia | Black Metal | 2016 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-05-18 |
Amidst the Withering | The Dying of the Light | Doom/Death | 2015 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-06-28 |
Amken | Adrenaline Shot | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2015-04-16 |
Amken | Passive Aggression | Thrash Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2022-12-19 |
Ammonal | Beginning the End of Everything | Melodic Death Metal | 2010 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-10-14 |
Ammyt | New Perspectives | Melodic Death Metal | 2020 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-11-14 |
Amon Acid | Cosmogony | Doom Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-11-18 |
Amon Acid | Demon Rider | Doom Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2022-03-16 |
Amon Amarth | Berserker | Death Metal | 2019 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2019-05-06 |
Amon Amarth | Deceiver of the Gods | Death Metal | 2013 | 4 | MetalMike | 2013-11-10 |
Amon Amarth | Deceiver of the Gods | Death Metal | 2013 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-06-28 |
Amon Amarth | Fate Of Norns | Viking Metal | 2004 | 3.7 | 4th Horseman | 2004-09-05 |
Amon Amarth | Fate Of Norns | Viking Metal | 2004 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-12-28 |
Amon Amarth | Jomsviking | Death Metal | 2016 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2016-03-25 |
Amon Amarth | Once Sent From The Golden Hall | Death Metal | 1998 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-09-11 |
Amon Amarth | Once Sent From the Golden Hall (Re-issue) | Melodic Death Metal | 2009 | 4.5 | Christopher Foley | 2009-03-12 |
Amon Amarth | Once Sent From the Golden Hall (Re-issue) | Melodic Death Metal | 2009 | 3.75 | Jason Cominetto | 2009-03-14 |
Amon Amarth | Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds | Melodic Death Metal | 1996 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-03-30 |
Amon Amarth | Surtur Rising | Death Metal | 2011 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-04-11 |
Amon Amarth | The Avenger | Melodic Death Metal | 1999 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-03-24 |
Amon Amarth | The Crusher | Death Metal | 2001 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-10-31 |
Amon Amarth | The Great Heathen Army | Death Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2022-09-12 |
Amon Amarth | The Great Heathen Army | Death Metal | 2022 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-08-21 |
Amon Amarth | Twilight of the Thunder God | Death Metal | 2008 | 3.75 | Mike Henn | 2009-11-27 |
Amon Amarth | Twilight of the Thunder God | Death Metal | 2008 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-09-30 |
Amon Amarth | Versus The World | Melodic Death Metal | 2002 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-11-03 |
Amon Amarth | Versus The World | Melodic Death Metal | 2002 | 3.25 | Scott Murray | 2003-04-07 |
Amon Amarth | With Oden On Our Side | Viking Metal | 2006 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2006-09-12 |
Amon-Ra | In the Company of the Gods | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 1 | MetalMike | 2013-05-01 |
Amon-Ra | In the Company of the Gods | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 1.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-03-16 |
Among the Mortals | Of Ignorance and Dismissal | Melodic Death Metal | 2011 | 3.25 | Adam McAuley | 2011-03-06 |
Amoral | Wound Creations | Death Metal | 2004 | 4.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-10-01 |
Amorphead | Psychotic | Unclassifiable | 2009 | 0.25 | Larry Griffin | 2010-02-03 |
Amorphis | Elegy | Melodic Heavy Metal | 1996 | 3 | Larry Griffin | 2009-06-16 |
Amorphis | Halo | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4.75 | MetalMike | 2022-03-04 |
Amorphis | Magic & Mayhem - Tales from the Early Years | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4 | Adam McAuley | 2010-11-25 |
Amorphis | Silent Waters | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2007 | 4.25 | Adam McAuley | 2010-11-20 |
Amorphis | Skyforger | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2009 | 4 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-08-21 |
Amorphis | Tales From The Thousand Lakes | Death Metal | 1994 | 2.75 | Larry Griffin | 2009-08-29 |
Amorphis | Tales From The Thousand Lakes | Death Metal | 1994 | 3.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-02-11 |
Amorphis | The Karelian Isthmus | Death Metal | 1992 | 3.75 | Larry Griffin | 2009-06-11 |
Amoth | The Hour of the Wolf | Heavy/Progressive | 2022 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2021-12-25 |
Amoth | The Hour of the Wolf | Heavy/Progressive | 2022 | 4.25 | Mjölnir | 2021-12-14 |
Ampütator | Deathcult Barbaric Hell | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2008-02-01 |
Amputated | Wading Through Rancid Offal | Death Metal | 2009 | 3.75 | Mike Henn | 2009-12-30 |
Amputation | Slaughtered in the Arms of God | Death Metal | 2020 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-09-01 |
Amputory | Ode to Gore | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-07-25 |
Amulett | Glassbreaker | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2022-07-26 |
An Act of Treachery | Reflections of a Dying World | Death/Thrash | 2013 | 3 | MetalMike | 2014-04-30 |
An Autumn for Crippled Children | Lost | Black Metal | 2010 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-03-22 |
An Autumn for Crippled Children | Only the Ocean Knows | Black Metal | 2012 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-10-06 |
Ana | The Art of Letting Go | Gothic Metal | 2024 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-04-09 |
Anaal Nathrakh | A New Kind of Horror | Black Metal | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2019-02-07 |
Anaal Nathrakh | Endarkenment | Black Metal | 2020 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2020-09-22 |
Anaal Nathrakh | Eschaton | Black Metal | 2006 | 4.5 | Brett Buckle | 2009-04-29 |
Anaal Nathrakh | Hell Is Empty, And All the Devils Are Here | Black Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Brett Buckle | 2009-05-02 |
Anaal Nathrakh | Hell Is Empty, And All the Devils Are Here | Black Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2021-08-04 |
Anaal Nathrakh | In the Constellation of the Black Widow | Black Metal | 2009 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2009-09-18 |
Anaal Nathrakh | In the Constellation of the Black Widow | Black Metal | 2009 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-12-05 |
Anaal Nathrakh | Passion | Black Metal | 2011 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2011-04-17 |
Anaal Nathrakh | The Codex Necro | Black Metal | 2001 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-07-18 |
Anaal Nathrakh | The Codex Necro | Black Metal | 2001 | 4 | Scott Murray | 2003-09-17 |
Anaal Nathrakh | Total Fucking Necro | Black Metal | 2021 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-05-10 |
Anaal Nathrakh | When Fire Rains Down from the Sky, Mankind Will Reap as It Has Sown | Black Metal | 2021 | 4.75 | Michel Renaud | 2021-07-31 |
Anachronaeon | As the Last Human Spot in Me Dies | Melodic Death Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-02-17 |
Anachronaeon | The Futile Quest For Immortality | Death Metal | 2010 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2010-09-02 |
Anachronaeon | The New Dawn | Doom/Death | 2007 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-12-08 |
Anachronaeon | The Oracle and the Keyholder | Death Metal | 2014 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-06-23 |
Anacrusis | Hindsight: Suffering Hour and Reason Revisited | Thrash Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-08-29 |
Anacrusis | Suffering Hour | Thrash Metal | 1988 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2003-04-14 |
Anael | From Arcane Fires | Black Metal | 2008 | 4.25 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-01-19 |
Anael | Necromantic Rituals | Black Metal | 2003 | 4 | Chaossphere | 2003-11-14 |
Anahata | Syncretic Sovereignty | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2024-05-06 |
Anal Blasphemy/Forbidden Eye | The Perverse Worship of Satanic Sins | Black Metal | 2014 | 3 | MetalMike | 2014-04-12 |
Anarchÿ-X | The Queensrÿche Tribute | Heavy Metal | 2003 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-05-13 |
Anareta | Fear Not | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | Mjölnir | 2023-05-09 |
Anasarca | Goddess of the Somber Shade | Death Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2024-07-30 |
Anasarca | Survival Mode | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-02-02 |
Anasarca | Survival Mode | Death Metal | 2017 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-07-05 |
Anata | The Infernal Depths of Hatred | Death Metal | 1998 | 4.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-10-25 |
Anata | Under A Stone With No Inscription | Death Metal | 2004 | 4 | Nahsil | 2009-04-28 |
Anathema | A Fine Day To Exit | Doom/Death | 2001 | 3.75 | Christian Renner | 2001-10-16 |
Anathema | Eternity | Doom Metal | 1996 | 2.75 | 4th Horseman | 2004-03-16 |
Anathema | Judgement | Doom Metal | 1999 | 4.75 | Adam McAuley | 2011-05-18 |
Anatolian Wisdom | Where The Iblis Dwells | Black Metal | 2008 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-08-24 |
Ancalagon | First Age: Entering Legenda | Black Metal | 2001 | 4.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2011-02-18 |
Ancara | Beyond the Dark | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2008 | 3 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2009-04-27 |
Ancestor | Ancestor | Death Metal | 2001 | 4.75 | Barbara Williams (Crowley) | 2003-07-02 |
Ancestors Blood | When the Forest Calls | Black Metal | 2009 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-10-06 |
Ancient Bards | A New Dawn Ending | Power Metal | 2014 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2014-09-25 |
Ancient Bards | Origine - The Black Crystal Sword Saga Part 2 | Power Metal | 2019 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2019-03-21 |
Ancient Bards | Soulless Child | Power Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2011-12-10 |
Ancient Bards | The Alliance of the Kings | Power Metal | 2010 | 5 | MetalMike | 2010-04-17 |
Ancient Ceremony | Synagoga Diabolica | Black/Death | 2000 | 3.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-11-23 |
Ancient Curse | The New Prophecy | Progressive Power Metal | 2020 | 4 | MetalMike | 2020-08-15 |
Ancient Dome | Perception of this World | Thrash Metal | 2010 | 4 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2011-07-25 |
Ancient Empire | Eternal Soldier | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 4 | MetalMike | 2018-10-21 |
Ancient Empire | Other World | Heavy Metal | 2016 | 4 | MetalMike | 2016-08-28 |
Ancient Empire | Priest of Stygia | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2021-09-20 |
Ancient Empire | The Tower | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 4.5 | Bruno Medeiros | 2018-01-31 |
Ancient Empire | The Tower | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2018-01-21 |
Ancient Guard | Nightfall Enthroned | Black Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-06-28 |
Ancient Malignity | Dehumanization Dawn | Black/Death | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-09-17 |
Ancient North | The Gates | Black Metal | 2022 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-08-10 |
Ancient Obliteration | Destruction from the Past | Death/Thrash | 2009 | 2.75 | Nahsil | 2009-11-07 |
Ancient Remains | Burn It All | Heavy/Thrash | 2024 | 2.5 | Michel Renaud | 2024-03-12 |
Ancient Spheres | In Conspiracy with the Night | Black Metal | 2015 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-12-14 |
Ancient Thrones | The Veil | Black/Death | 2020 | 4 | Mjölnir | 2020-10-05 |
Ancient Torment | Satan's Legacy Come Flesh | Black Metal | 2019 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2019-06-03 |
Ancient Trail | The Ancient Force | Power Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2024-08-23 |
Ancient Wind | The Chosen Slain | Black/Death | 2015 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-04-29 |
Ancient Wisdom | A Celebration in Honor of Death | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Micah.Ram | 2021-09-19 |
Ancient Wound | The Undead Storm | Thrash Metal | 2005 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2007-04-26 |
Ancient Wound | The Winterholder | Black/Thrash | 2010 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2010-05-09 |
Ancient Wrath | Darkness Upon the Face of the Depth | Black Metal | 2008 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-04-10 |
Ancillotti | Hell on Earth | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4 | MetalMike | 2020-05-02 |
And Now the Owls Are Smiling | Dirges | Black Metal | 2021 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-03-01 |
And Now the Owls Are Smiling | Epitaph | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-10-17 |
And Now the Owls Are Smiling | The Comforting Grip of Misery | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2020-01-21 |
and Oceans | A.M.G.O.D. | Black Metal | 2001 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2001-04-08 |
and Oceans | As in Gardens, So in Tombs | Black Metal | 2023 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2023-03-04 |
and Oceans | Cosmic World Mother | Black Metal | 2020 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-06-10 |
and Oceans | Cypher | Black Metal | 2002 | 3 | Christian Renner | 2002-08-28 |
and Oceans | The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts | Black Metal | 1998 | 5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-02-14 |
Andem | Daughter of Moonlight (Doch’ Lunnogo Sveta) | Symphonic Metal | 2009 | 4 | MetalMike | 2009-08-07 |
Andralls | Andralls | Thrash Metal | 2010 | 3.25 | Christopher Foley | 2010-08-26 |
Andras | Iron Way | Pagan Metal | 2008 | 4.25 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-07-03 |
Andras | Quest Of Deliverance | Black Metal | 1999 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-12-13 |
Andre Matos | Mentalize | Power Metal | 2010 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-10-15 |
Andre Matos | Time To Be Free | Power Metal | 2007 | 2 | Nicholas Lazarus | 2007-11-05 |
Andrew Lee's Heavy Metal Shrapnel | Andrew Lee's Heavy Metal Shrapnel | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2022-01-11 |
Anemonia | Moonlit Numina | Gothic Metal | 2009 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-08-31 |
Angantyr/Nasheim | Angantyr / Nasheim split CD | Black Metal | 2007 | Pagan Shadow | 2007-11-09 | |
Angband | IV | Power Metal | 2020 | 3 | MetalMike | 2020-10-15 |
Angband | Rising From Apadana | Power Metal | 2008 | 0.25 | Michel Renaud | 2008-12-14 |
Angband | Visions of the Seeker | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 1 | Adam Kohrman | 2010-11-03 |
Angband | Visions of the Seeker | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 0.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-12-07 |
Angel Black | Killing Demons | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2019-04-09 |
Angel Blake | The Descended | Heavy Metal | 2008 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2008-07-13 |
Angel Corpse | Hammer of Gods | Death Metal | 1996 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-02-12 |
Angel Corpse | Of Lucifer And Lightning | Death Metal | 2007 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-05-21 |
Angel Corpse | The Inexorable | Death Metal | 1999 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-05-11 |
Angel Crash | Satan | Heavy Metal | 1984 | Michel Renaud | 2009-03-06 | |
Angel Dust | Bleed | Progressive Power Metal | 1999 | 5 | 4th Horseman | 2004-01-06 |
Angel Dust | Border Of Reality | Progressive Power Metal | 1998 | 4 | 4th Horseman | 2004-02-16 |
Angel Dust | Border Of Reality | Progressive Power Metal | 1998 | 4.25 | Larry Griffin | 2008-07-23 |
Angel Dust | Enlighten The Darkness | Progressive Power Metal | 2000 | 5 | 4th Horseman | 2003-12-21 |
Angel Dust | Into The Dark Past | Thrash Metal | 1986 | 4.5 | 4th Horseman | 2004-08-25 |
Angel Dust | Into The Dark Past | Thrash Metal | 1986 | 4 | MetalMike | 2021-07-18 |
Angel Dust | Marching for Revenge (Demo) | Thrash Metal | 1985 | 4.5 | 4th Horseman | 2009-02-13 |
Angel Dust | Of Human Bondage | Power Metal | 2002 | 4.5 | Christian Renner | 2002-02-16 |
Angel Dust | Of Human Bondage | Power Metal | 2002 | 4 | Larry Griffin | 2008-07-08 |
Angel Martyr | Black Book: Chapter One | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 4 | MetalMike | 2017-07-15 |
Angel Martyr | Black Book: Chapter One | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2017-07-05 |
Angel Martyr | Nothing Louder than Silence | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 4 | MetalMike | 2021-04-21 |
Angel Morgue | In the Morgue of Angels | Death Metal | 2020 | 3.25 | Mjölnir | 2021-07-07 |
Angel Nation | Antares | Power Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-03-30 |
Angel of Damnation | Heathen Witchcraft | Doom Metal | 2018 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-04-03 |
Angel of Sodom | Divine Retribution | Thrash Metal | 2015 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-11-19 |
Angel Reaper | Angel Ripping Metal | Black/Thrash | 2011 | 0.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-03-28 |
Angel Sword | World Fighter | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | MetalMike | 2024-05-15 |
Angel Sword | World Fighter | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-06-09 |
Angel Sword | World Fighter | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-05-20 |
Angel Witch | Angel of Light | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 2.75 | Michel Renaud | 2019-11-01 |
Angel Witch | As Above, So Below | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 3.75 | Christopher Foley | 2012-04-13 |
Angels of Babylon | Kingdom of Evil | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2010-01-15 |
Angels of Babylon | Kingdom of Evil | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 2.5 | Hermer Arroyo | 2010-06-08 |
Angelscourge | Demo 2017 | Black Metal | 2017 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-11-12 |
Angelscourge | Seraph Impaler | Black Metal | 2015 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-08-09 |
Angelus Apatrida | Angelus Apatrida | Thrash Metal | 2021 | 4.75 | Christian Renner | 2021-02-14 |
Angelus Apatrida | Cabaret de la Guillotine | Thrash Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Bruno Medeiros | 2018-05-09 |
Angelus Apatrida | Hidden Evolution | Thrash Metal | 2015 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-05-31 |
Anger as Art | Callous and Furor | Thrash Metal | 2006 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-01-15 |
Anger as Art | Disfigure | Thrash Metal | 2009 | 4.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-03-04 |
Anger as Art | Hubris Inc. | Thrash Metal | 2013 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2013-04-02 |
Angercure | Through Soreful Harmony Demanded | Gothic Metal | 2014 | 3 | MetalMike | 2014-08-03 |
Angerot | The Profound Recreant | Death Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-03-30 |
Angerot | The Splendid Iniquity | Death Metal | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2019-01-09 |
Angmar | Zuruck in die Unterwelt | Black Metal | 2009 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-04-14 |
Angmodnes | Rot of the Soul | Funeral Doom | 2024 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-03-03 |
Angra | Aqua | Power Metal | 2010 | 2.5 | Hermer Arroyo | 2010-08-30 |
Angra | Aqua | Power Metal | 2010 | 5 | Larry Griffin | 2010-10-31 |
Angra | Aurora Consurgens | Power Metal | 2006 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2007-01-03 |
Angra | Cycles of Pain | Power Metal | 2023 | 4 | MetalMike | 2024-01-13 |
Angra | Cycles of Pain | Power Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-11-10 |
Angra | Fireworks | Power Metal | 1998 | 4.25 | Christopher Foley | 2009-05-23 |
Angra | Rebirth | Power Metal | 2001 | 5 | Christian Renner | 2001-11-22 |
Angra | Secret Garden | Progressive Power Metal | 2015 | 3.75 | Bruno Medeiros | 2015-04-24 |
Angra | Temple of Shadows | Progressive Power Metal | 2004 | 3.8 | 4th Horseman | 2004-09-24 |
Angra | Temple of Shadows | Progressive Power Metal | 2004 | 3.5 | Caspian | 2009-05-11 |
Angra | Temple of Shadows | Progressive Power Metal | 2004 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-01-06 |
Angrenost | Magna Lua Ordem Mística | Black Metal | 2023 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2024-01-14 |
Angrenost | Magna Lua Ordem Mística | Black Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-02-12 |
Angrepp | Prepare for the Attack | Black/Thrash | 2006 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2010-05-25 |
Angrepp | Warfare | Black/Thrash | 2010 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2010-07-07 |
Angst | In Hoc Signo Vinces | Black Metal | 2005 | 4.25 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-10-21 |
Anguis Dei | Ad Portas Serpentium | Black Metal | 2017 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2018-01-01 |
Anguis Dei | Angeist | Black Metal | 2021 | 1.5 | Mjölnir | 2021-03-30 |
Angus | Track of Doom / Warrior Of The World | Heavy Metal | 2001 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-01-09 |
Anialator | Death Is Calling | Thrash Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-09-19 |
Anialator | Rise to Supremacy | Thrash Metal | 2018 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2018-05-18 |
Anima Hereticae | Descended from the Mountains | Black/Death | 2023 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-11-10 |
Animalize | Meat We're Made Of | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4 | MetalMike | 2022-07-04 |
Animalize | Tapes from the Crypt | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4 | MetalMike | 2023-04-24 |
Animalize | Tapes from the Crypt | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2023-01-31 |
Animus Herilis | Recipere Ferum | Black Metal | 2005 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-12-04 |
Ankou Awaits | Oberour ar Maro | Black Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-01-28 |
Anlace | Transmutación | Death Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2009-11-24 |
Anmasker | How Much Is Your Mask? | Thrash Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-02-23 |
Annihilation Rite | World Below | Doom/Black | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-10-01 |
AnnihilationMancer | The Involution Philosophy | Thrash Metal | 2011 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2011-04-26 |
AnnihilationMancer | The Involution Philosophy | Thrash Metal | 2011 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-04-18 |
Annihilator | Alice In Hell | Thrash Metal | 1998 | 4.4 | 4th Horseman | 2005-02-19 |
Annihilator | All For You | Thrash Metal | 2004 | 1.25 | 4th Horseman | 2004-06-10 |
Annihilator | Annihilator | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 0.5 | Adam Kohrman | 2010-05-06 |
Annihilator | Ballistic, Sadistic | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 4 | MetalMike | 2020-05-05 |
Annihilator | Ballistic, Sadistic | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2019-12-26 |
Annihilator | Carnival Diablos | Thrash Metal | 2001 | 4.75 | Christian Renner | 2001-04-03 |
Annihilator | Carnival Diablos | Thrash Metal | 2001 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2001-02-28 |
Annihilator | Metal | Heavy Metal | 2007 | 0 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-12-01 |
Annihilator | Never, Neverland | Thrash Metal | 1990 | 3 | Sirliftsalot48 | 2006-05-08 |
Annihilator | Schizo Deluxe | Thrash Metal | 2005 | 2.5 | Christian Renner | 2006-02-05 |
Annihilator | Schizo Deluxe | Thrash Metal | 2005 | 1.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-10-05 |
Annihilator | Suicide Society | Thrash Metal | 2015 | 2.5 | Bruno Medeiros | 2015-10-03 |
Anonymus | La Bestia | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-08-04 |
Anoxia | Manufacturing the End | Death Metal | 2007 | 4 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-12-05 |
Ansur | Axiom | Progressive Metal | 2006 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2010-12-21 |
Ansur | Warring Factions | Progressive Metal | 2008 | 4.25 | Christopher Foley | 2012-01-25 |
Antabus | Antabus | Thrash Metal | 2015 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-07-11 |
Antaeus | Blood Libels | Black Metal | 2006 | 4.25 | Brett Buckle | 2009-01-28 |
Antaeus | Blood Libels | Black Metal | 2006 | 4.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-02-01 |
Antaeus | Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan | Black Metal | 2000 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2023-11-15 |
Antares Predator | Twilight of the Apocalypse | Black/Thrash | 2010 | 2 | Hermer Arroyo | 2010-04-05 |
Änterbila | Änterbila | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2023-01-30 |
Anterior | This Age Of Silence | Melodic Death Metal | 2007 | 2.5 | Michel Renaud | 2007-08-25 |
Anthea | Tales Untold | Progressive Power Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2022-07-25 |
Anthem | Crimson & Jet Black | Heavy/Power Metal | 2023 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2023-04-25 |
Anthology | Angel's Revenge | Symphonic Metal | 2016 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2017-02-19 |
Anthrax | Anthrax/Testament Live in Worcester | MetalMike | 2011-11-26 | |||
Anthrax | Spreading the Disease | Thrash Metal | 1985 | 5 | Hermer Arroyo | 2009-02-06 |
Anthrax | Worship Music | Thrash Metal | 2011 | 4 | MetalMike | 2011-10-26 |
Anthropia | Non-Euclidean Spaces | Progressive Metal | 2015 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2015-04-28 |
Anthropophagus Depravity | Demonic Paradise | Death Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-06-02 |
Anti | The Insignificance of Life | Black Metal | 2006 | 4.25 | Brett Buckle | 2009-03-11 |
Antichrist | Forbidden World | Thrash Metal | 2011 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2011-11-05 |
Antichrist Siege Machine | Purifying Blade | Black/Death | 2021 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-10-30 |
Antichrist Siege Machine | Vengeance of Eternal Fire | Black/Death | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-07-24 |
Anticosm | The Call of the Void | Black/Thrash | 2019 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-05-10 |
Anticreation | From the Dust of Embers | Death/Black | 2022 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2022-09-05 |
Antioch | Antioch II: First Strÿke | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 4 | MetalMike | 2015-11-26 |
Antioch | Antioch V | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 2.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-06-28 |
Antioch | Antioch VI: Molten Rainbow | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2023-10-15 |
Antioch | Antioch VI: Molten Rainbow | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4.5 | Micah.Ram | 2024-01-16 |
Antioch | Onward with Obliteration | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2024-09-25 |
Antipathy | Removal of the Mind | Death/Grind | 2003 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-09-27 |
Antipope | Rex Mundi | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2022-10-13 |
Antiquus | Eleutheria | Heavy/Progressive | 2006 | 5 | Ulysses | 2006-12-16 |
Antiquus | Ramayana | Progressive Metal | 2005 | 4.7 | Ktb | 2005-11-09 |
Antiquus Infestus | The Cult of Ra | Black/Thrash | 2012 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2012-12-30 |
Antiquus Scriptum | Immortalis Factus | Black Metal | 2013 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2013-12-30 |
Antisemitex/Selbstmord | We Bring Desolation | Black/Death | 2012 | 3.75 | Memnarch | 2012-06-30 |
Antithesis | Antithesis | Heavy Metal | 2000 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2000-07-02 |
Antithesis | Journey Through The Netherworld | 2001 | 2.75 | Michel Renaud | 2002-06-04 | |
Antologi | Chronicles of Catastrophes | Thrash Metal | 2021 | 4.5 | Christian Renner | 2021-07-13 |
Antonello Giliberto | The Strategy of Chaos | Power Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2019-10-15 |
Antonio Pantano | Arcandia | Power Metal | 2014 | 3 | MetalMike | 2014-10-24 |
Antropofagus | Origin | Death Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-12-07 |
Antropomorfia | Engendro | Death Metal | 2003 | 3.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-10-11 |
Antropomorphia | Evangelivm Nekromantia | Death Metal | 2012 | 3.75 | Christopher Foley | 2012-12-30 |
Antti Martikainen | Carmina Gloria | Symphonic Metal | 2021 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-09-07 |
Antti Martikainen | Sonic Savior | Symphonic Metal | 2020 | 5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-02-01 |
Anubis | These Ancient Halls | Heavy/Thrash | 2007 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2008-01-30 |
Anubis Gate | A Perfect Forever | Progressive Metal | 2005 | 4.5 | Christopher Foley | 2009-01-16 |
Anubis Gate | Andromeda Unchained | Progressive Power Metal | 2007 | 4.75 | Larry Griffin | 2007-12-29 |
Anubis Gate | Andromeda Unchained | Progressive Power Metal | 2007 | 4.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-01-05 |
Anubis Gate | Anubis Gate | Progressive Metal | 2011 | 5 | Christopher Foley | 2011-10-04 |
Anubis Gate | Anubis Gate | Progressive Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | Larry Griffin | 2011-11-19 |
Anubis Gate | Interference | Progressive Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-03-02 |
Anubis Gate | The Detached | Progressive Power Metal | 2009 | 5+ | Christopher Foley | 2009-04-13 |
Anubis Gate | The Detached | Progressive Power Metal | 2009 | 4.75 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-07-16 |
Anvil | Anvil is Anvil | Heavy Metal | 2016 | 3.5 | Bruno Medeiros | 2016-03-05 |
Anvil | Anvil is Anvil | Heavy Metal | 2016 | 4 | MetalMike | 2016-02-29 |
Anvil | Anvil: The Story of Anvil | 2009 | 5 | Michel Renaud | 2009-10-11 | |
Anvil | Back To Basics | Heavy Metal | 2004 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2004-06-13 |
Anvil | Forged in Fire | Heavy Metal | 1983 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2010-11-25 |
Anvil | Impact Is Imminent | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2022-06-07 |
Anvil | Impact Is Imminent | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2022-05-03 |
Anvil | Legal at Last | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2020-01-28 |
Anvil | Legal at Last | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2020-02-02 |
Anvil | Metal on Metal | Heavy Metal | 1982 | 5 | MetalMike | 2018-03-03 |
Anvil | Nabbed in Nebraska | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2019-12-14 |
Anvil | One and Only | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2024-06-04 |
Anvil | One and Only | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-05-31 |
Anvil | Plenty of Power | Heavy Metal | 2001 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2001-08-30 |
Anvil | Pounding the Pavement | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2018-02-19 |
Anvil | Pounding the Pavement | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2018-01-20 |
Anvil | Still Going Strong | Heavy Metal | 2002 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2002-09-12 |
Anvil | The Anvil Experience | Adam Kohrman | 2010-01-20 | |||
Anvil | This is Thirteen | Heavy Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2007-12-27 |
Anvil of Doom | Deathillusion | Melodic Death Metal | 2004 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2004-10-27 |
Any Face | The Cult of Sickness | Death Metal | 2010 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2018-01-14 |
Anzillu | Ex Nihilo | Thrash Metal | 2023 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-03-23 |
AO | kAOS | Black Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-06-24 |
Aoratos | Gods Without Name | Black Metal | 2019 | 4 | MetalMike | 2019-07-02 |
Aoratos | Gods Without Name | Black Metal | 2019 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2019-04-22 |
Aornos | The Great Scorn | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-12-10 |
Aosoth | Ashes of Angels | Black Metal | 2009 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-01-18 |
Aosoth | III | Black Metal | 2011 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-05-13 |
Aparthiva Raktadhara | Adyapeeth Maranasamhita | Death/Black | 2022 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-05-31 |
Apep | The Invocation of the Deathless One | Death Metal | 2020 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2020-04-01 |
Apes | Lullabies for Eternal Sleep | Black Metal | 2022 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2022-12-27 |
Apes | Penitence | Black/Death | 2024 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2024-05-23 |
Aphelium Aeternum | Dark Interstellar Mysteries | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-01-07 |
Aphelium Aeternum | Dark Interstellar Mysteries | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-12-07 |
Aphelon | Scorn Shall Prevail | Death/Black | 2005 | 4 | Chaossphere | 2006-03-11 |
Aphelon | The Ethos Elite | Black/Death | 2003 | 3.5 | Chaossphere | 2003-11-13 |
Aphrodite | Lust and War | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2019-11-03 |
Aphrodite | Lust and War | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-12-31 |
Aphrodite | Orgasmic Glory | Speed Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2021-05-20 |
Aphrodite | Orgasmic Glory | Speed Metal | 2021 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-04-12 |
Aphyxion | Earth Entangled | Death Metal | 2014 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-08-13 |
Apocalypse | Apocalypse/Rewind | Heavy/Power Metal | 2017 | 4 | Omni | 2017-07-28 |
Apocalypse (Italy) | Pedemontium | Viking Metal | 2021 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-07-15 |
Apocalyptic Annihilation | Necrothrash | Black/Thrash | 2023 | 3.5 | Micah.Ram | 2023-02-12 |
Apocryfal | Crushing Black Death | Black/Death | 2019 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-01-07 |
Apocryphal | When There Is No Light | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-08-08 |
Apogean | Into Madness | Death Metal | 2021 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2021-07-17 |
Apogee | From the Shallows of a Consumed Earth | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.25 | Mjölnir | 2022-05-02 |
Apokalyptic Raids | Only Death is Real... | Speed/Thrash | 2014 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2014-07-08 |
Apokalyptic Raids | The Pentagram | Black/Thrash | 2019 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2020-03-10 |
Apokalyptic Raids | The Third Storm | Black/Thrash | 2016 | 3 | MetalMike | 2016-06-09 |
Apollo Ra | Ra Pariah | Heavy/Power Metal | 2015 | 4.25 | Omni | 2017-03-31 |
Aposento | No Safe Haven | Death Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2024-07-02 |
Apostasy | The Unknown Path | Black/Thrash | 2022 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2022-05-15 |
Apostate | Trapped in a Sleep | Doom/Death | 2011 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-04-24 |
Apostle of Solitude | From Gold to Ash | Doom Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-06-28 |
Apostle of Solitude | Sincerest Misery | Doom Metal | 2008 | 5 | Cluedo | 2009-05-16 |
Apostle of Solitude | Sincerest Misery | Doom Metal | 2008 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-11-16 |
Apostle of Solitude | Until the Darkness Goes | Doom Metal | 2021 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-11-02 |
Apotheosys | The Fall and the Triumph | Death/Black | 2005 | 4.5 | Chaossphere | 2006-02-22 |
Appalling | Sacrilege | Black/Death | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-11-26 |
Apparition | Disgraced Emanations from a Tranquil State | Death Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-04-03 |
Apparition | Feel | Death Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-11-05 |
Apparition | Granular Transformation | Death Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-12-19 |
Apparition | In The Name Of Chiu | Black Metal | 2008 | 2.5 | Michel Renaud | 2009-04-08 |
Apriori | Obsessive Reactions | Death/Thrash | 2008 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2008-10-19 |
Aquaria | Shambala | Power Metal | 2007 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-11-18 |
Aquilla | Mankind's Odyssey | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2022-06-17 |
Ara | Devourer of Worlds | Death Metal | 2014 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-03-22 |
Ara Solis | Ashvattha | Black Metal | 2023 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2023-06-03 |
Arachnes | A New Day | Progressive Power Metal | 2011 | 3 | Christian Renner | 2021-04-18 |
Arachnes | A New Day | Progressive Power Metal | 2011 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2011-11-03 |
Arachnes | Apocalypse | Power Metal | 2002 | 3.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-09-11 |
Arachnes | In Praise of Science | Progressive Power Metal | 2006 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2007-02-11 |
Arachnes | Parallel Worlds | Neo-classical Power Metal | 2001 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2007-01-22 |
Arallu | Death Covenant | Black/Death | 2022 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-09-05 |
Arallu | En Olam | Black/Death | 2019 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2020-10-17 |
Aran Angmar | Black Cosmic Elements | Black/Death | 2021 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2021-09-19 |
Arawn | Welsh Black Metal | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2008-09-30 |
Arawn | Welsh Black Metal | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2007-09-27 |
Arborescence of Wrath | Inferno | Death Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-08-11 |
Arbrynth | Arbrynth | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2012-07-31 |
Arcana Coelestia | Le Mirage de l'idéal | Funeral Doom | 2009 | 4.25 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-06-01 |
Arcana Coelestia | Ubi Secreta Colunt | Black Metal | 2007 | 4.25 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-02-06 |
Arcana XXII | Fallen From Grace | Power Metal | 1999 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-04-23 |
Arcania | Dreams Are Dead | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-06-28 |
Arcanum Sanctum | Fidus Achates | Melodic Death Metal | 2010 | 1.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-09-11 |
Arch Blade | Kill the Witch | Power/Thrash | 2023 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2023-06-17 |
Arch Enemy | Anthems of Rebellion | Death/Thrash | 2003 | 4.5 | Christian Renner | 2003-10-29 |
Arch Enemy | Anthems of Rebellion | Death/Thrash | 2003 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-01-05 |
Arch Enemy | Black Earth | Melodic Death Metal | 2002 | 5 | Scott Murray | 2003-01-22 |
Arch Enemy | Dead Eyes See No Future | Death/Thrash | 2004 | 4th Horseman | 2004-11-16 | |
Arch Enemy | Deceivers | Melodic Death Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2022-08-29 |
Arch Enemy | Deceivers | Melodic Death Metal | 2022 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2022-08-20 |
Arch Enemy | Doomsday Machine | Melodic Death Metal | 2005 | 1.5 | 4th Horseman | 2006-01-08 |
Arch Enemy | Khaos Legions | Melodic Death Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2011-06-05 |
Arch Enemy | Rise of the Tyrant | Melodic Death Metal | 2007 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2007-08-29 |
Arch Enemy | Rise of the Tyrant | Melodic Death Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-10-05 |
Arch Enemy | The Root of All Evil | Melodic Death Metal | 2009 | 4 | Larry Griffin | 2009-09-26 |
Arch Enemy | Wages Of Sin | Melodic Death Metal | 2002 | 5 | Christian Renner | 2002-02-22 |
Arch Enemy | Wages Of Sin | Melodic Death Metal | 2001 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2001-12-21 |
Arch Enemy | War Eternal | Death Metal | 2014 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2014-06-13 |
Arch Enemy | Will to Power | Melodic Death Metal | 2017 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2017-12-02 |
Arch/Matheos | Sympathetic Resonance | Progressive Metal | 2011 | 5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-11-19 |
Arch/Matheos | Winter Ethereal | Progressive Metal | 2019 | 4.75 | MetalMike | 2019-05-04 |
Archaean Harmony | Nihility Mundane Soul | Progressive Metal | 2001 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2001-08-24 |
Archaic Revival | Pagan Evolution | Gothic/Doom | 2007 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-10-15 |
Archaic Tomb/Cryptworm | Persecution Paraphrenalia / Putrefactive Regurgitation | Death Metal | 2019 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2019-10-15 |
Archaosifer | Le héraut de Sa Volonté | Black Metal | 2015 | 3 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-12-18 |
Arched Fire | Pestilence | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-02-14 |
Arched Fire | Remote Control | Heavy/Thrash | 2021 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2021-05-25 |
Arched Fire | Trust Betrayal | Heavy/Thrash | 2023 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-04-13 |
Archemoron | Flagellum I | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-08-14 |
Archemoron | Sulphur and Fire | Black Metal | 2015 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2016-02-06 |
Archemoron | Year of the Harvester | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-10-20 |
Archer | Culling the Weak | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | Mjölnir | 2019-12-19 |
Archetype | Dawning | Progressive Metal | 2001 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2002-03-21 |
Archgoat | Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration) | Black/Death | 1992 | 4.25 | Ulysses | 2007-02-10 |
Archgoat | The Luciferian Crown | Death/Black | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2018-10-23 |
Archgoat | Whore of Bethlehem | Black Metal | 2006 | 4.25 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-02-16 |
Architect of Disease | Open the Hearts | Black Metal | 2013 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2014-02-01 |
Archmages | Demo 2001 | Gothic Metal | 2001 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2002-03-26 |
Arckanum | ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ | Black Metal | 2009 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2009-10-31 |
Arckanum | Antikosmos | Black Metal | 2008 | 3.5 | Brett Buckle | 2009-02-04 |
Arckanum | Helvitismyrkr | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2012-03-01 |
Arckanum | Sviga Lae | Black Metal | 2010 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2011-02-08 |
Arctic Flame | Guardian at the Gate | Power Metal | 2011 | 2.5 | MetalMike | 2011-08-05 |
Arctic Flame | Guardian at the Gate | Power Metal | 2011 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-07-16 |
Arctic Flame | Shake the Earth | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 2 | MetalMike | 2013-04-26 |
Arctic Flame | Shake the Earth | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-02-20 |
Arctos | Beyond the Grasp of Mortal Hands | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2019-10-07 |
Arcturus | La Masquerade Infernale | Black Metal | 1997 | 4.5 | Dakuroth | 2002-08-12 |
Arcturus | Sideshow Symphonies | Unclassifiable | 2005 | 3 | 4th Horseman | 2005-10-26 |
Arcturus | The Sham Mirrors | Black Metal | 2002 | 5 | Christian Renner | 2002-04-14 |
Ardent Nova | Ardent Nova | Death/Thrash | 2023 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-03-25 |
Arduini/Balich | Dawn of Ages | Doom Metal | 2017 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2017-04-14 |
Area 54 | Beckoning Of The End | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2003 | 2 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2012-04-29 |
Area51 | Goddess | Power Metal | 2010 | 4 | MetalMike | 2010-09-05 |
Ares Kingdom | By the Light of Their Destruction | Death Metal | 2019 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2019-06-23 |
Ares Kingdom | In Darkness at Last | Death Metal | 2022 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-10-11 |
Ares Kingdom | Incendiary | Death Metal | 2010 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-03-06 |
Ares Kingdom | Return to Dust | Death Metal | 2006 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-02-14 |
Argath | I Invoke | Black Metal | 2003 | Michel Renaud | 2003-11-07 | |
Argath | Societatis Draconistrarum | Black Metal | 2005 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-05-29 |
Argath | Towards the Void | Black Metal | 2003 | Michel Renaud | 2003-09-18 | |
Argesh | Excommunica | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.5 | Mjölnir | 2021-08-26 |
Argharus | Pleistas | Black Metal | 2009 | 2 | MetalMike | 2009-08-01 |
Arghon | Equilibrium | Progressive Power Metal | 2007 | 4 | Larry Griffin | 2007-12-27 |
Arghoslent | Galloping Through the Battle Ruins | Death Metal | 1999 | 5+ | Ulysses | 2006-10-01 |
Arghoslent | Hornets of the Pogrom | Death Metal | 2008 | 1.75 | Larry Griffin | 2009-01-18 |
Arghoslent | Hornets of the Pogrom | Death Metal | 2008 | 3.5 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-07-28 |
Arghoslent | Incorrigible Bigotry | Death Metal | 2002 | 5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-03-15 |
Argus | Argus | Heavy/Doom | 2009 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-12-07 |
Argus | Beyond the Martyrs | Heavy/Doom | 2013 | 4 | MetalMike | 2013-10-03 |
Argus | Boldly Stride the Doomed | Heavy/Doom | 2011 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2011-04-24 |
Argus | Boldly Stride the Doomed | Heavy/Doom | 2011 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-04-30 |
Argus | From Fields of Fire | Heavy/Doom | 2017 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2017-08-06 |
Aria | Armageddon | Heavy Metal | 2006 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2009-03-03 |
Aria | Armageddon (2020) | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-01-02 |
Aria | Baptism by Fire (2020) | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2020-11-29 |
Aria | Blood for Blood | Heavy Metal | 1991 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-02-04 |
Aria | Chimera | Heavy Metal | 2001 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-03-02 |
Aria | Christening by Fire | Heavy Metal | 2003 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2004-04-18 |
Aria | Curse of the Seas | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-12-01 |
Aria | Generator of Evil | Heavy Metal | 1998 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2021-02-20 |
Aria | Guest from the Shadow Kingdom | 2019 | 5 | Michel Renaud | 2019-09-28 | |
Aria | Hero of Asphalt | Heavy Metal | 1987 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-01-10 |
Aria | Megalomania | Heavy Metal | 1985 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-12-11 |
Aria | Night is Shorter than Day | Heavy Metal | 1995 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-02-12 |
Aria | Phoenix | Heavy Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2021-03-23 |
Aria | Play with Fire | Heavy Metal | 1989 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2021-01-22 |
Aria | Through All Times | Heavy Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2021-04-01 |
Aria | Whom Are You With? | Heavy Metal | 1986 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2020-12-17 |
Ariah | Ariah | Thrash Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-10-30 |
Arida Vortex | Flames of Sunset | Heavy Metal | 2006 | 4 | Hermer Arroyo | 2009-05-30 |
Arida Vortex | Riders of Steel | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2020-07-13 |
Aries Descendant | From the Ashes of Deceit | Symphonic Metal | 2024 | 4 | MetalMike | 2025-01-28 |
Aries Vehemens | Decade of Necrosodomy | Death Metal | 2014 | 3.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-01-05 |
Arion | Last of Us | Power Metal | 2014 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-09-29 |
Arion | Life Is Not Beautiful | Power Metal | 2018 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2019-01-29 |
Arise | The Reckoning | Death/Thrash | 2009 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-04-11 |
Ariya | Myopia | Progressive Metal | 2013 | 3 | MetalMike | 2014-03-29 |
Arkadia | Aspirations & Reality | Melodic Death Metal | 2016 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-09-01 |
Arkadia | Unrelenting | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2014 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-01-18 |
Arkaik | The Divine Manifestation | Death Metal | 2006 | 3 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-11-18 |
Arkayic Revolt | Atlantis Rising | Power/Thrash | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2023-12-19 |
Arkenstone | Hymns to our Fatherland | Black Metal | 2006 | 3.5 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-10-01 |
Arkentype | Disorientated | Progressive Metal | 2015 | 2 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-10-26 |
Arkham Witch | Beer and Bullet Belts | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-07-01 |
Arkham Witch | Get Thothed - Vol. I | Heavy/Doom | 2015 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-10-25 |
Arkham Witch | Get Thothed - Vol. II | Heavy/Doom | 2016 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-09-23 |
Arkham Witch | Get Thothed Vol. III | Heavy/Doom | 2018 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-07-23 |
Arkham Witch | I Am Providence | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-12-23 |
Arkham Witch | Legions of the Deep Respawned | Heavy/Doom | 2015 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-12-26 |
Arkham Witch | Legions of the Deeper Depths | Heavy/Doom | 2015 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2024-09-26 |
Arkham Witch | Swords Against Death | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2022-12-05 |
Arkheth | IX & I: The Quintessence of Algaresh | Black Metal | 2010 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-11-13 |
Arkhum | Anno Universum | Death Metal | 2010 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-03-17 |
Arkngthand | Songs of Ice and Fire | Progressive Power Metal | 2009 | 3 | Christopher Foley | 2009-07-03 |
Arkngthand | Songs of Ice and Fire | Progressive Power Metal | 2009 | 3 | MetalMike | 2009-07-15 |
Arkona | Ot Serdtsa K Nebu | Pagan Metal | 2007 | 4 | Nicholas Lazarus | 2007-12-03 |
Arkona | Ot Serdtsa K Nebu | Pagan Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-07-21 |
Arkona | Slovo | Pagan Metal | 2011 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2011-09-24 |
Arkona | Stenka na Stenku | Pagan Metal | 2011 | 4 | MetalMike | 2011-06-30 |
Arkona | Yav | Pagan Metal | 2014 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2014-08-22 |
Arkuda | Pod Pokrovom Vekov | Pagan Metal | 2014 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-09-02 |
Armagedda | I Am | Black Metal | 2010 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2010-07-22 |
Armagedda | Ond Spiritism | Black Metal | 2019 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2019-05-05 |
Armagedda | Only True Believers | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2019-12-12 |
Armagedda | The Final War Approaching | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2019-04-02 |
Armageddon | Captivity & Devourment | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2015-05-27 |
Armageddon | Embrace the Mystery | Progressive Power Metal | 2000 | 5 | Larry Griffin | 2009-10-27 |
Armageddon Orchestra | Armageddon Orchestra | Heavy/Doom | 2023 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2024-02-02 |
Armagedon | Death Then Nothing | Death Metal | 2010 | 3.5 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-12-10 |
Armagh | Exclamation Po!nt | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2024-07-03 |
Armagh | Serpent Storm | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2023-07-09 |
Armagh | Serpent Storm | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-04-21 |
Armata Di Carona | Mother | Black Metal | 2004 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2009-08-04 |
Armnatt | Eternal Flame | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2021-06-07 |
Armor Column | Maximum Collateral Damage | Thrash Metal | 2011 | 4 | MetalMike | 2011-09-01 |
Armored Dawn | Barbarians in Black | Power Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2018-07-29 |
Armored Saint | La Raza | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2010 | 2 | Michel Renaud | 2010-04-11 |
Armored Saint | March of the Saint | Heavy Metal | 1984 | 3 | Adam Kohrman | 2010-01-16 |
Armored Saint | Punching the Sky | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2020-10-17 |
Armored Saint | Revelation | Heavy Metal | 2000 | 2 | Michel Renaud | 2000-03-17 |
Armored Saint | Symbol of Salvation | Heavy Metal | 1991 | 4.5 | Mjölnir | 2022-11-18 |
Armory | Empyrean Realms | Power Metal | 2013 | 4.5 | Christopher Foley | 2013-12-26 |
Armory | Empyrean Realms | Power Metal | 2013 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2013-12-23 |
Armory | The Dawn of Enlightenment | Power Metal | 2007 | 3.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2008-02-04 |
Armory | The Dawn of Enlightenment | Power Metal | 2007 | 4 | MetalMike | 2009-08-23 |
Armory | The Dawn of Enlightenment | Power Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-02-11 |
Armory (Sweden) | Black Star | Speed Metal | 2025 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2025-01-21 |
Armory (Sweden) | Black Star | Speed Metal | 2025 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2025-01-11 |
Armory (Sweden) | Mercurion | Speed Metal | 2022 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2022-05-29 |
Armory (Sweden) | Mercurion | Speed Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2022-04-05 |
Armory (Sweden) | The Search | Speed Metal | 2018 | 4 | Bruno Medeiros | 2018-07-20 |
Armour | Armour | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2010-02-11 |
Armoured Angel | Hymns of Hate | Death/Thrash | 2012 | 5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2013-01-10 |
Arrayan Path | IV: Stigmata | Power Metal | 2013 | 4.25 | Christopher Foley | 2013-10-07 |
Ars Diavoli | Pro Nihilo Esse | Black Metal | 2008 | 4.25 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-10-13 |
Ars Irae | Dunkle Klänge | Black Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-01-29 |
Ars Macabra/Cosmic Ekpyrosis | Nil Sine Deo | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-03-24 |
Arsebreed | Munching the Rotten | Death Metal | 2005 | 2.5 | Sirliftsalot48 | 2006-10-13 |
Arsenic Addiction | XIX | Gothic Metal | 2019 | 3 | Mjölnir | 2020-12-02 |
Arsis | A Diamond For Disease | Melodic Death Metal | 2005 | 4.3 | Ktb | 2005-11-04 |
Arsis | Starve for the Devil | Death Metal | 2010 | 5 | Christopher Foley | 2010-03-03 |
Arsis | Starve for the Devil | Death Metal | 2010 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-03-08 |
Arsis | We Are the Nightmare | Death Metal | 2008 | 1 | Larry Griffin | 2008-04-06 |
Arsis | We Are the Nightmare | Death Metal | 2008 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-06-26 |
Árstíŏir Lífsins | Vápna lækjar eldr | Black/Folk Metal | 2012 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2012-08-21 |
Artaban's Redemption | Broken Puppets | Power Metal | 2021 | 3 | MetalMike | 2021-12-08 |
Artach | Chronicles of a Black Winter | Black Metal | 2020 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2020-05-28 |
Artach | Sgrios | Black Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-07-06 |
Artach | Sworn to Avenge | Black Metal | 2021 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-07-16 |
Artania | Night Shall Crown Ye | Black Metal | 2011 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-09-08 |
Artch | Another Return | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-04-08 |
Arte Sacra | Formula | Progressive Death Metal | 2007 | 2.5 | Michel Renaud | 2008-07-16 |
Artep | Black War | Black Metal | 2008 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2009-01-13 |
Artep | Fires of Mortal Deception | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2007-10-21 |
Artery Eruption | Driving My Fist Through Her Chest | Death Metal | 2010 | 1.5 | Nahsil | 2010-10-30 |
Arthemis | Back From the Heat | Power Metal | 2005 | 3.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-10-09 |
Arthemis | Black Society | Power Metal | 2008 | 3.75 | Larry Griffin | 2008-12-16 |
Artillery | By Inheritance | Thrash Metal | 1990 | 5 | Daniel DGYDP Guerrero | 2009-01-16 |
Artillery | Legions | Thrash Metal | 2013 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2013-12-07 |
Artillery | One Foot In The Grave, the Other One In The Trash | 2008 | 4 | Daniel DGYDP Guerrero | 2009-01-20 | |
Artillery | Penalty by Perception | Power/Thrash | 2016 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2016-04-15 |
Artillery | The Face of Fear | Thrash Metal | 2018 | 3.25 | Bruno Medeiros | 2018-11-16 |
Artillery | The Last Journey | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 2.75 | Michel Renaud | 2020-09-19 |
Artillery | When Death Comes | Thrash Metal | 2009 | 4.5 | Daniel DGYDP Guerrero | 2009-06-02 |
Artillery | When Death Comes | Thrash Metal | 2009 | 4.25 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-09-14 |
Artillery | X | Thrash Metal | 2021 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2021-04-28 |
Artizan | Artizan | Progressive Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | Naamah | 2010-04-28 |
Artizan | Curse of the Artizan | Power Metal | 2011 | 2.75 | Adam Kohrman | 2011-04-26 |
Artizan | Curse of the Artizan | Power Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2011-05-12 |
Artizan | Curse of the Artizan | Power Metal | 2011 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-04-18 |
Aruna Azura | A Story of a World's Betrayal | Death Metal | 2013 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-06-08 |
Arvas | VI | Black Metal | 2021 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-12-27 |
Arven | Black is the Colour | Symphonic Metal | 2013 | 4 | MetalMike | 2014-01-01 |
Arven | Music of Light | Power Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2011-11-05 |
Arwen | Illusions | Progressive Power Metal | 2004 | 3.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-11-19 |
Arwen | Memories of a Dream | Symphonic Metal | 2002 | 3 | Christopher Foley | 2009-01-26 |
Arwen | The Soul's Sentence | Power Metal | 2018 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2019-06-05 |
Arx Atrata | A Reckoning | Black Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-07-29 |
Arx Atrata | Spiritus in Terra | Black Metal | 2016 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-07-02 |
Arx Atrata | The Path Untravelled | Black Metal | 2019 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2020-01-03 |
Arysithian Blade | Iriath | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2025-01-15 |
Arð | Untouched By Fire | Doom Metal | 2024 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-05-23 |
As Light Dies | Ars Subtilior From Within the Cage | Doom/Death | 2010 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-08-12 |
Asagraum | Dawn of Infinite Fire | Black Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2024-07-23 |
Asagraum | Potestas Magicum Diaboli | Black Metal | 2017 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-03-11 |
Ascalapha | Somber Vampyric Night | Black Metal | 2024 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-09-03 |
Ascended Dead | Abhorrent Manifestation | Death Metal | 2017 | 3.25 | Mjölnir | 2021-05-21 |
Ascendor | Circle of Violence | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2021-01-11 |
Ascension | Far Beyond the Stars | Power Metal | 2012 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2014-02-09 |
Ascension | Far Beyond the Stars | Power Metal | 2012 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-07-14 |
Ascension | Under the Veil of Madness | Power Metal | 2023 | 4 | MetalMike | 2023-04-14 |
Aschenglas | Schauderreich | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | Memnarch | 2012-05-12 |
Ascia | The Wandering Warrior | Doom Metal | 2024 | 2.5 | MetalMike | 2024-04-03 |
Asedio | El Origen de Todos los Males | Death/Thrash | 2012 | 2.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2013-02-12 |
Aset | Astral Rape | Black Metal | 2023 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2023-09-23 |
Asgrauw | Gronspech | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2018-12-31 |
Ash | Demo 2007 | Black Metal | 2007 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2007-09-10 |
Ash to Dust | Demons Within | Thrash Metal | 2019 | 1.5 | Christian Renner | 2021-05-11 |
Ashen | The End is Nigh | Heavy/Thrash | 2015 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2016-04-05 |
Ashen Light | Pesn' Velesa | Black Metal | 1999 | 3.25 | 4th Horseman | 2009-02-17 |
Ashes of My Memory | Raptures /// Disillusions | Melodic Death Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2018-11-25 |
Ashes of Tyranny | Shrine | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 2.5 | MetalMike | 2013-09-15 |
Ashes To Ashes | Cardinal VII | Progressive Metal | 2002 | 4.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-12-13 |
Ashlands | Ashlands III | Black Metal | 2025 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-12-12 |
Ashrain | Requiem Reloaded | Heavy/Power Metal | 2023 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2023-05-01 |
Ashrain | Requiem Reloaded | Heavy/Power Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-04-11 |
Aska | Avenger | Heavy Metal | 2000 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2001-01-08 |
Aska | Fire Eater | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2014-01-10 |
Aska | Fire Eater | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-10-05 |
Askival | Eternity | Folk Metal | 2009 | 3 | MetalMike | 2010-09-21 |
Askog | Varg | Black Metal | 2020 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-11-07 |
Askog | Varþnaþer | Black Metal | 2021 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-06-29 |
Asmegin | Hin Vordende Sod & So | Folk Metal | 2003 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-12-29 |
Asmodée | Aequilanx | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2019-02-04 |
Asmodée | Aequilanx | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.75 | Mjölnir | 2019-12-23 |
Asomvel | Knuckle Duster | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2018-11-28 |
Aspera | Ripples | Progressive Metal | 2010 | 4 | PowerMetal59 | 2010-04-29 |
Asperity | The Final Demand | Heavy Metal | 2004 | 3.5 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-09-06 |
Asphyx | Crush the Cenotaph | Death Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2019-12-08 |
Asphyx | Deathhammer | Death Metal | 2012 | 4.5 | Christopher Foley | 2012-04-28 |
Asphyx | Embrace the Death | Death Metal | 1996 | 5 | Chaossphere | 2006-08-01 |
Asphyx | Necroceros | Death Metal | 2021 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-03-13 |
Asphyx | Reign of the Brute | Death Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | Christopher Foley | 2012-02-16 |
Asphyx | The Rack | Death Metal | 1991 | 5 | Nemanja Mandic | 2004-01-24 |
Asphyxiator | Trapped Between Two Worlds | Death Metal | 2020 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-05-24 |
Assailant | Nemesis Within | Progressive Power Metal | 2006 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2009-05-15 |
Assailant (Costa Rica) | Assailant | Thrash Metal | 2016 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-05-17 |
Assassin | Bestia Immundis | Thrash Metal | 2020 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2020-04-28 |
Assassin | Breaking the Silence | Thrash Metal | 2011 | 2.25 | Mjölnir | 2020-11-17 |
Assassin | Interstellar Experience | Thrash Metal | 1988 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-03-21 |
Assassin | Interstellar Experience | Thrash Metal | 1988 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-04-24 |
Assassin | Skullblast | Thrash Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2024-10-19 |
Assassin | The Club | Thrash Metal | 2005 | 1 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-04-22 |
Assassin | The Upcoming Terror | Thrash Metal | 1987 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2024-03-16 |
Assassin | The Upcoming Terror | Thrash Metal | 1987 | 3.25 | Mjölnir | 2021-01-31 |
Assassin's Blade | Agents of Mystification | Heavy Metal | 2016 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2017-01-10 |
Assassin's Blade | Gather Darkness | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2019-10-01 |
Assaulter (Aus) | Boundless! | Heavy/Thrash | 2011 | 2.5 | Michel Renaud | 2011-09-13 |
Assaulter (Aus) | Salvation Like Destruction | Black/Thrash | 2008 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-05-04 |
Assaulter (Ita) | Meat Grinder | Thrash Metal | 2017 | 3 | MetalMike | 2017-10-31 |
Assedium | Fighting For The Flame | Heavy Metal | 2008 | 4 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-01-16 |
Assedium | Rise of the Warlords | Heavy Metal | 2006 | 5 | Ulysses | 2006-10-17 |
Assignment | Closing the Circle | Progressive Metal | 2016 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2016-09-01 |
Assimilator | Expelled into Suffering | Death/Thrash | 2024 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-04-17 |
Assumption | The Three Appearances | Doom/Death | 2014 | 4 | Mjölnir | 2020-01-23 |
Astarium | Epoch of Tyrants | Black Metal | 2016 | 1 | Sargon the Terrible | 2018-04-07 |
Astarium | Wyrm of Melancholy | Black Metal | 2012 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-05-01 |
Astarot | Raw Sensation of Nostalgia and Nihilistic | Black Metal | 2012 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-04-18 |
Astaroth | The Demos ’93 / ’95 / ’98 | Black Metal | 2019 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2020-05-20 |
Astarte | Sirens | Black Metal | 2004 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-03-17 |
Astra | From Within | Progressive Metal | 2008 | 4.5 | PowerMetal59 | 2009-03-29 |
Astral Doors | New Revelation | Heavy Metal | 2007 | 2 | Larry Griffin | 2007-12-08 |
Astral Doors | Requiem of Time | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Hermer Arroyo | 2010-06-13 |
Astral Doors | Requiem of Time | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 1 | Larry Griffin | 2010-07-13 |
Astral Doors | The End of It All | Heavy/Power Metal | 2024 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2024-11-28 |
Astral Doors | The End of It All | Heavy/Power Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-09-26 |
Astral Sleep | Angel | Doom Metal | 2010 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-10-21 |
Astral Sleep | Astral Doom Musick | Doom/Death | 2020 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2020-08-18 |
Astral Sleep | Unawakening | Doom Metal | 2008 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-06-07 |
Astral Sleep | We Are Already Living in the End of Times | Doom Metal | 2023 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-04-09 |
Astral Tomb | Degradation of Human Consciousness | Death Metal | 2021 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-02-21 |
Astral Tomb | Soulgazer | Death Metal | 2022 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-03-18 |
Astral Winter | Winter Enthroned | Black Metal | 2011 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-02-09 |
Astralion | Astralion | Power Metal | 2014 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2015-05-16 |
Astralium | Land of Eternal Dreams | Symphonic Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2019-08-26 |
Astras | Maze of Time | Heavy Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | Hermer Arroyo | 2009-11-17 |
Astriaal | Anatomy of the Infinite | Black Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2010-10-16 |
Astriaal | Renascent Misanthropy | Black Metal | 2003 | 4.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-09-30 |
Astrofaes | Dying Emotions Domain | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2011-11-19 |
Astronomikon | Dark Gorgon Rising | Power Metal | 2013 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2013-05-25 |
Astrophobos | Arcane Secrets | Black/Death | 2010 | 4 | Memnarch | 2010-12-11 |
Asunder | Works Will Come Undone | Funeral Doom | 2005 | 2.5 | Mjölnir | 2022-07-08 |
Asylum | 3-3-88 | Heavy/Doom | 2018 | 3 | MetalMike | 2019-01-27 |
Asylum Pyre | Natural Instinct? | Progressive Power Metal | 2009 | 3 | MetalMike | 2009-12-11 |
Asylum Pyre | Spirited Away | Gothic Metal | 2015 | 1.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2015-10-26 |
Asymmetry | Room 17: Hours Between Shadows And Light | Progressive Metal | 2012 | 2.5 | Christopher Foley | 2014-01-22 |
At the Altar of the Horned God | Heart of Silence | Black Metal | 2023 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2023-04-04 |
At the Dawn | The Battle to Come | Power Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Bruno Medeiros | 2019-05-25 |
At the Gates | Slaughter of the Soul | Melodic Death Metal | 1995 | 4 | Jason Cominetto | 2008-12-31 |
At the Gates | The Nightmare of Being | Melodic Death Metal | 2021 | 3 | Christian Renner | 2021-06-17 |
At Vance | Dragonchaser | Power Metal | 2001 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2015-09-04 |
At Vance | Facing Your Enemy | Power Metal | 2012 | 3 | MetalMike | 2012-10-03 |
At Vance | Facing Your Enemy | Power Metal | 2012 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-07-30 |
At Vance | Heart of Steel | Power Metal | 2000 | 3.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2015-09-01 |
At Vance | Only Human | Power Metal | 2002 | 4.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2015-10-30 |
At Vance | Ride the Sky | Power Metal | 2009 | 1.5 | Adam Kohrman | 2010-03-28 |
At Vance | Ride the Sky | Power Metal | 2009 | 3 | Christopher Foley | 2009-09-15 |
At Vance | Ride the Sky | Power Metal | 2009 | 3 | MetalMike | 2009-10-28 |
At Vance | The Evil In You | Progressive Power Metal | 2003 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-07-29 |
At War | Retaliatory Strike | Speed/Thrash | 2014 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2019-11-28 |
Ataraxy | The Last Mirror | Death Metal | 2022 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-09-02 |
Athanatos | Unholy Union | Black/Death | 2014 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2014-07-26 |
Atheist | Jupiter | Thrash Metal | 2010 | 1 | Michel Renaud | 2011-09-14 |
Atheist | Piece of Time | Death Metal | 1989 | 4.75 | Larry Griffin | 2009-07-06 |
Atheist | Unquestionnable Presence | Death Metal | 1991 | 5 | Larry Griffin | 2009-07-07 |
Athena | Twilight of Days | Power Metal | 2001 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2008-03-02 |
Atheretic | Adhesion, Aversion... | Death Metal | 2001 | 4 | Gruesome Sean | 2024-01-19 |
Athlantis | Athlantis | Power Metal | 2003 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-11-01 |
Athlantis | M.W.N.D. | Power Metal | 2012 | 0 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-01-08 |
Athor | Invincible Forces Legions of Iron | Black/Thrash | 2015 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-11-15 |
Athorn | Phobia | Power Metal | 2010 | 1.5 | Adam Kohrman | 2010-12-19 |
Athorn | Phobia | Power Metal | 2010 | 0 | Christopher Foley | 2010-09-30 |
Athos | Noht Lerapot | Black Metal | 2017 | 2.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-02-06 |
Athos | The Awakening of Athos | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2007-07-06 |
Athos | The Awakening of Athos | Black Metal | 2007 | 3 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-01-31 |
Atlantean Kodex | The Course of Empire | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 5 | MetalMike | 2019-09-10 |
Atlantean Kodex | The Golden Bough | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 5 | MetalMike | 2010-09-25 |
Atlantean Kodex | The Golden Bough | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 5+ | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-09-12 |
Atlantean Kodex | The Pnakotic Demos | Heavy Metal | 2007 | 5+ | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-02-15 |
Atlantean Kodex | The White Goddess | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 5+ | MetalMike | 2013-08-29 |
Atlantean Kodex | The White Goddess | Heavy Metal | 2013 | 5+ | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-09-08 |
Atlantia | Remnants Of A Dream | Symphonic Metal | 2012 | 2.5 | Christopher Foley | 2012-12-12 |
Atlas Pain | Tales of a Pathfinder | Folk Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Bruno Medeiros | 2019-09-13 |
Atoll Nerat | Two Pipes to Heaven | Black Metal | 2005 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2006-11-27 |
Atomblaster | Earth Dies Screaming | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2015-03-06 |
Atomic Aggressor/Unholy War | Atomic Aggressor / Unholy War | Death Metal | 2014 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2018-12-15 |
Atomic Playground | Atomic Playground | Heavy Metal | 2010 | 1 | MetalMike | 2010-12-28 |
Atomic Spell | Nuclear Speed Ritual | Black/Thrash | 2024 | 3 | MetalMike | 2025-01-17 |
Atomicide | Furious and Untamed | Black/Death | 2018 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-05-08 |
Atomwinter | Iron Flesh | Death Metal | 2015 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-10-27 |
Atonement | Sadistic Invaders | Black/Thrash | 2023 | 3 | MetalMike | 2023-09-15 |
Atonement | Sadistic Invaders | Black/Thrash | 2023 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-07-02 |
Atra Haeresis | Pretium | Black/Death | 2021 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2022-06-13 |
Atra Hora | Lost in the Depths | Black/Death | 2010 | 3.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-08-09 |
Atra Hora | Metahom | Melodic Death Metal | 2014 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-05-16 |
Atra Hora | Via Combusta | Melodic Death Metal | 2012 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2015-05-13 |
Atra Vetosus | A Palace Shrouded in Emptiness | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-02-07 |
Atra Vetosus | Voices from the Eternal Night | Black Metal | 2013 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-05-09 |
Atravion | Hollow Gods | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2022-03-07 |
Atrexial | The Serpent Abomination | Black/Death | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-04-27 |
Atrium | Ancient Spells | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-08-12 |
Atrocity | Atlantis | Gothic/Death | 2004 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2006-04-27 |
Atrocity | Masters of Darkness | Death/Thrash | 2017 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2018-03-30 |
Atrocity | Okkult III | Death Metal | 2023 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2023-02-07 |
Atrocity | Okkult III | Death Metal | 2023 | 4 | MetalMike | 2023-02-12 |
Atrocity | Spell of Blood / Blue Blood | Death/Thrash | 2019 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2019-06-07 |
Atrocity | Werk 80 II | Death Metal | 2008 | 1.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2008-03-11 |
Atronos | Fehde | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2022-09-29 |
Atronos | Fehde | Black Metal | 2022 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-09-23 |
Atrophy | Asylum | Thrash Metal | 2024 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2024-02-29 |
Atrophy | Asylum | Thrash Metal | 2024 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2024-03-08 |
Atrophy | Asylum | Thrash Metal | 2024 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2024-03-26 |
Atrophy | Chemical Dependency | Thrash Metal | 2019 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2019-10-16 |
Atrophy | Socialized Hate | Thrash Metal | 2006 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2007-12-02 |
Atrophy | Violent By Nature | Thrash Metal | 2006 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2007-12-03 |
Atropine | Sanity Desecration | Death Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-12-27 |
Attacker | Armor of the Gods | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-11-03 |
Attacker | Battle At Helm's Deep | Heavy Metal | 1999 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2002-03-27 |
Attacker | Sins of the World | Power/Thrash | 2016 | 4.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2017-07-07 |
Attacker | Soul Taker | Heavy Metal | 2004 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2004-04-03 |
Attacker | The God Particle | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2024-08-05 |
Attacker | The God Particle | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2024-03-15 |
Attacker | The God Particle | Heavy Metal | 2024 | 2.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-03-20 |
Attacker | The Second Coming | Heavy Metal | 1999 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2004-02-06 |
Attacker | The Unknown | Heavy Metal | 2006 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2006-07-23 |
Attaxe | 20 Years the Hard Way | Heavy Metal | 2020 | 3 | MetalMike | 2020-10-12 |
Attic | The Invocation | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2013-03-16 |
Attic | The Invocation | Heavy Metal | 2012 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2013-02-17 |
Attick Demons | Atlantis | Heavy Metal | 2011 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2011-07-27 |
Attika | Metal Lands | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2021-04-17 |
Attika | When Heroes Fall | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2019-07-10 |
Attitude Force | Surviving In A Hell | Heavy Metal | 2004 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2004-04-07 |
Audiopain | The Switch to Turn Off Mankind | Black Metal | 2007 | 2.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-03-20 |
Audiovision | Focus | Heavy/Power Metal | 2010 | 4 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-08-12 |
Augrimmer | Autumnal Heavens | Black Metal | 2009 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-02-28 |
Augrimmer | From the Lone Winters Cold | Black Metal | 2009 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-10-15 |
Augury | Concealed | Death Metal | 2011 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-02-08 |
Augury | Fragmentary Evidence | Death Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2009-09-05 |
August Moon | Something Eldritch and Macabre | Death Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2024-11-04 |
Aura | A Different View From The Same Side | Progressive Metal | 2008 | 3 | Lars Christiansen | 2008-10-16 |
Aura Azul | Aura Azul | Heavy Metal | 2009 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-05-11 |
Aura Noir | Aura Noire | Black/Thrash | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2023-06-02 |
Aura Noir | Out to Die | Death/Thrash | 2012 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2012-07-04 |
Aura Noir | Out to Die | Death/Thrash | 2012 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-05-19 |
Aura Noir | The Merciless | Black/Thrash | 2004 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2004-10-28 |
Auriferous Flame | Ardor for Black Mastery | Black Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-12-05 |
Auriferous Flame | The Insurrectionists and the Caretakers | Black Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-10-30 |
Auro Control | The Harp | Power Metal | 2024 | 4 | MetalMike | 2024-07-08 |
Auroch | Auroch | Heavy Metal | 1985 | Michel Renaud | 2009-03-09 | |
Auroch (Can) | From Forgotten Worlds | Death/Thrash | 2012 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2013-01-20 |
Auroch (Can) | From Forgotten Worlds | Death/Thrash | 2016 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-04-14 |
Auron | Auron | Heavy Metal | 2015 | 3.5 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2015-04-26 |
Aurora Borealis | Time Unveiled | Black Metal | 2003 | 4.8 | Gramie Dee | 2003-05-21 |
Aurvandil | Yearning | Black Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-08-04 |
Auspex | Resolutio | Power Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-12-15 |
Aussichtslos | Schicksalstotschlag | Black Metal | 2024 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2024-08-27 |
Austere | Beneath the Threshold | Black Metal | 2024 | 4.25 | Thomas | 2024-12-12 |
Austere | Corrosion of Hearts | Black Metal | 2023 | 4 | Thomas | 2024-09-09 |
Austere | To Lay Like Old Ashes | Black Metal | 2009 | 4 | Brett Buckle | 2009-04-15 |
Austere | To Lay Like Old Ashes | Black Metal | 2009 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-04-20 |
Austere/Lyrinx | Only the Wind Remembers / Ending the Circle of Life | Black Metal | 2008 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-01-09 | |
Austrian Death Machine | Double Brutal | Thrash Metal | 2009 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2009-10-19 |
Autokrator | Hammer of the Heretics | Death Metal | 2018 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2021-02-05 |
Autokrator | Persecution | Death/Black | 2021 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2021-11-21 |
Autolatry | Of the Land | Black Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-06-09 |
Automb | Esoterica | Black/Death | 2018 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-04-26 |
Autopsy | Dark Crusades | 2006 | 3 | Michel Renaud | 2006-10-11 | |
Autopsy | Macabre Eternal | Death Metal | 2011 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2011-09-24 |
Autopsy | Mental Funeral | Death Metal | 1991 | 5+ | Lars Christiansen | 2008-04-07 |
Autopsy | Puncturing the Grotesque | Death Metal | 2017 | 3.75 | Bruno Medeiros | 2017-12-14 |
Autopsy | Severed Survival/Retribution For The Dead | Death Metal | 1993 | 5 | Chaossphere | 2006-02-17 |
Autopsy | The Tomb Within | Death Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Larry Griffin | 2010-10-10 |
Autrest | Follow the Cold Path | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2023-06-05 |
Autumn | Altitude | Gothic Metal | 2009 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2009-03-05 |
Autumn | Altitude | Gothic Metal | 2009 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-03-23 |
Autumn | My New Time | Gothic Metal | 2007 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-08-25 |
Autumn | Stacking Smoke | Gothic Metal | 2019 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2019-06-07 |
Autumn (Russia) | ...And We Are Falling Leaves | Doom Metal | 2006 | 3.75 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-02-25 |
Autumn Hour | Dethroned | Progressive Metal | 2009 | 2.5 | Jason Cominetto | 2009-08-23 |
Autumnal Reaper | Rise of the Raging Death | Death Metal | 2009 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-04-02 |
Autumnia | By the Candles Obsequial | Doom Metal | 2006 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2008-03-16 |
Autumnia | In Loneliness Of Two Souls | Doom/Death | 2004 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2008-03-04 |
Autumnia | O' Funeralia | Doom/Death | 2009 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-11-16 |
Autumns Eyes | Broken Leaves and Haunted Streets | Gothic Metal | 2013 | 4 | MetalMike | 2013-09-13 |
Autumns Eyes | Ending Life Slowly | Gothic Metal | 2017 | 4 | MetalMike | 2017-12-10 |
Autumns Eyes | Ending Life Slowly | Gothic Metal | 2017 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2017-11-23 |
Autumns Eyes | Grimoire of Oak & Shadow | Gothic Metal | 2024 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-11-11 |
Autumns Eyes | Please Deceive Me | Gothic Metal | 2012 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2012-06-19 |
Autumns Eyes | Surrender the Fire | Gothic Metal | 2008 | 4 | MetalMike | 2009-04-24 |
Ava Inferi | Blood of Bacchus | Doom Metal | 2009 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2009-09-19 |
Avalanch | El Ángel Caído | Power Metal | 2001 | 5 | Steel Warrior | 2002-10-06 |
Avalanch | The Secret | Progressive Power Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Bruno Medeiros | 2019-04-06 |
Avaland | The Legend of the Storyteller | Power Metal | 2023 | 3 | MetalMike | 2023-03-24 |
Avaland | Theater Of Sorcery | Symphonic Metal | 2021 | 4 | MetalMike | 2021-03-12 |
Avalon | Vision Eden | Progressive Power Metal | 1998 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-01-26 |
Avantasia | A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society | Power Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2022-11-05 |
Avantasia | Angel of Babylon | Power Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Christopher Foley | 2010-04-23 |
Avantasia | Ghostlights | Power Metal | 2016 | 4.25 | MetalMike | 2016-01-23 |
Avantasia | Lost in Space (Part 1) | Power Metal | 2007 | 4.25 | Larry Griffin | 2007-11-24 |
Avantasia | Lost in Space (Part 2) | Power Metal | 2007 | 4.25 | Larry Griffin | 2007-11-26 |
Avantasia | Moonglow | Power Metal | 2019 | 4.5 | MetalMike | 2019-02-07 |
Avantasia | The Flying Opera | Power Metal | 2011 | 4 | MetalMike | 2011-07-25 |
Avantasia | The Metal Opera | Power Metal | 2001 | 5 | Christian Renner | 2001-07-16 |
Avantasia | The Metal Opera | Power Metal | 2001 | 4 | Larry Griffin | 2007-11-11 |
Avantasia | The Metal Opera Pt. II | Power Metal | 2002 | 5 | Christian Renner | 2002-09-15 |
Avantasia | The Metal Opera Pt. II | Power Metal | 2002 | 3.75 | Larry Griffin | 2007-11-13 |
Avantasia | The Scarecrow | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2008 | 4 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2008-02-01 |
Avantasia | The Scarecrow | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2008 | 5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-02-12 |
Avantasia | The Wicked Symphony | Power Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Adam Kohrman | 2010-09-15 |
Avantasia | The Wicked Symphony | Power Metal | 2010 | 4.5 | Christopher Foley | 2010-04-16 |
Avantasia | The Wicked Symphony | Power Metal | 2010 | 4.5 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-10-30 |
Avatarium | The Fire I Long For | Doom Metal | 2019 | 4 | MetalMike | 2020-01-16 |
Ave Maria | Chapter I | Black Metal | 2011 | 3 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-09-06 |
Avelion | Liquid Breathing | Progressive Metal | 2013 | 3 | MetalMike | 2014-02-22 |
Avenger | Bohemian Dark Metal | Death Metal | 2012 | 4 | MetalMike | 2012-07-15 |
Avenger | Bohemian Dark Metal | Death Metal | 2012 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-04-15 |
Avenger | Godless | Black/Death | 2003 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2005-09-28 |
Avenger of Blood | Completely Re-Annihilated | Death/Thrash | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-06-08 |
Avenger of Blood | Death Brigade | Thrash Metal | 2008 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2008-03-14 |
Averlanche | Arctic Atlas | Power Metal | 2023 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-07-21 |
Averlanche | Life's Phenomenon | Power Metal | 2020 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2021-04-02 |
Averse Concept | Symbol of Loss | Black Metal | 2011 | 3 | MetalMike | 2013-10-08 |
Averse Sefira | Advent Parallax | Black Metal | 2008 | 4 | Lars Christiansen | 2008-09-17 |
Averse Sefira | Advent Parallax | Black Metal | 2008 | 4.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2008-03-09 |
Averse Sefira | Battle's Clarion | Black Metal | 2001 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2004-12-30 |
Aversio Humanitatis | Longing for the Untold | Black Metal | 2017 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-04-01 |
Avertia | Folkloremelodium | Black Metal | 2009 | 3 | MetalMike | 2009-12-15 |
Avertia | Når nordavinden kaster kniver | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Christian Renner | 2021-04-11 |
Avichi | The Divine Tragedy | Black Metal | 2007 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2007-08-22 |
Avigal | Unbroken | Heavy Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2012-02-18 |
Avrae Lvnae | Ntdd Strl | Black Metal | 2023 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-12-22 |
Avsky | Mass Destruction | Black Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Lars Christiansen | 2008-02-11 |
Avsky | Scorn | Black Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2010-06-05 |
Avslut | Deceptis | Black Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2018-05-17 |
Avtotheism | Reflections of Execrable Stillness | Death Metal | 2024 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2024-12-07 |
Avulsed | Altar of Disembowelment | Death Metal | 2015 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2015-10-01 |
Avulsed | Extraterrestrial Carnage | Death Metal | 2023 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2023-10-15 |
Avulsed | Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-mutilation) | Death Metal | 2009 | 4.25 | Michel Renaud | 2009-10-16 |
Avulsed | Phoenix Cryptobiosis | Death Metal | 2025 | 4.5 | Michel Renaud | 2025-01-18 |
Avulsed | Reanimations | Death Metal | 2006 | 2.5 | Chaossphere | 2006-10-16 |
Awaiting Fear | Dead Inside | Death Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | Adam McAuley | 2010-09-23 |
AX | Empire | Black Metal | 2010 | 4 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-11-03 |
Axe Steeler | On the Run | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 3.5 | MetalMike | 2018-11-28 |
Axecuter | Bangers Prevail | Thrash Metal | 2011 | 3.5 | Michel Renaud | 2011-09-11 |
Axedra | Mass Deception | Death Metal | 2021 | 4.25 | Christian Renner | 2021-05-30 |
Axegressor | Bannerless | Thrash Metal | 2018 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2018-03-16 |
Axegressor | Last | Thrash Metal | 2014 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2014-06-14 |
AxeHammer | Marching On | Heavy Metal | 2012 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-11-15 | |
AxeHammer | Windrider | Heavy Metal | 2005 | 5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2006-09-27 |
Axel Rudi Pell | Diamonds Unlocked | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2007 | 1.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2008-02-16 |
Axel Rudi Pell | Game of Sins | Heavy Metal | 2016 | 2.5 | Bruno Medeiros | 2016-01-25 |
Axel Rudi Pell | Knights Call | Heavy Metal | 2018 | 2.75 | Bruno Medeiros | 2018-07-12 |
Axel Rudi Pell | Lost XXIII | Heavy Metal | 2022 | 4 | MetalMike | 2022-04-12 |
Axel Rudi Pell | Oceans Of Time | Heavy Metal | 1998 | 4.75 | Zarzak | 2004-06-20 |
Axel Rudi Pell | Tales of the Crown | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2008 | 3 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2008-11-25 |
Axel Rudi Pell | Tales of the Crown | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2008 | 1.75 | Larry Griffin | 2008-12-31 |
Axel Rudi Pell | The Crest | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2010 | 2.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-05-18 |
Axel Rudi Pell | The Crest | Melodic Heavy Metal | 2010 | 4.25 | Lior "Steinmetal" Stein | 2010-10-20 |
Axemaster | Crawling Chaos | Heavy Metal | 2017 | 3.25 | MetalMike | 2018-01-04 |
Axenstar | Aftermath | Power Metal | 2011 | 2 | Sargon the Terrible | 2011-03-13 |
Axenstar | Chapter VIII | Power Metal | 2023 | 3.75 | MetalMike | 2023-12-13 |
Axenstar | Far From Heaven | Power Metal | 2003 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2003-12-31 |
Axenstar | Perpetual Twilight | Power Metal | 2002 | 3.5 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2010-12-17 |
Axeslaughter/Cadaveric Incubator | Split 7" | Death/Thrash | 2018 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2018-05-13 |
Axetasy | Withering Tides | Heavy/Speed Metal | 2025 | 3.75 | Michel Renaud | 2024-12-08 |
Axevyper | Into the Serpent's Den | Heavy Metal | 2016 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2016-07-16 |
Axewitch | Out of the Ashes into the Fire | Heavy Metal | 2021 | 4 | MetalMike | 2021-03-29 |
Axis Powers | Marching Towards Destruction | Death Metal | 2009 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2009-05-06 |
AxMinister | The Crucible of Sin | Heavy/Thrash | 2018 | 2 | MetalMike | 2018-07-21 |
AxMinister | The Crucible of Sin | Heavy/Thrash | 2018 | 3 | Mjölnir | 2020-04-12 |
AxMinister | Vir Fortis | Heavy Metal | 2023 | 2 | MetalMike | 2023-05-26 |
Axxios | Beneath the Blood Red Sky | Power/Black | 2019 | 4.25 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-09-02 |
Axxis | Doom of Destiny | Power Metal | 2007 | 3.75 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2011-11-03 |
Axxis | Paradise in Flames | Power Metal | 2006 | 3.5 | Larry Griffin | 2008-03-05 |
Axxis | Utopia | Power Metal | 2009 | 3 | Bruce Dragonchaser | 2009-10-19 |
Axxis | Utopia | Power Metal | 2009 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2009-08-23 |
Axxis | Utopia | Power Metal | 2009 | 4 | MetalMike | 2009-11-01 |
Ayas | Heaven and Earth | Heavy Metal | 2019 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2019-12-26 |
Ayat | El Nabi Mojrem Moghtaseb Dajjal | Black Metal | 2002 | 4 | Ktb | 2005-07-22 |
Ayat | Six Years of Dormant Hatred | Black Metal | 2008 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2010-10-15 |
Ayreon | 01011001 | Progressive Metal | 2008 | 4 | Pagan Shadow | 2008-02-24 |
Ayreon | The Human Equation | Progressive Metal | 2004 | 3 | 4th Horseman | 2004-07-09 |
Ayreon | The Human Equation | Progressive Metal | 2004 | 4 | Larry Griffin | 2008-04-22 |
Azaab | Summoning the Cataclysm | Death Metal | 2022 | 4.25 | Sargon the Terrible | 2022-10-14 |
Azaghal | Nemesis | Black Metal | 2012 | 3.5 | Sargon the Terrible | 2012-06-30 |
Azarath | Blasphemers' Maledictions | Death Metal | 2011 | 4 | Christopher Foley | 2011-09-18 |
Azarath | Praise the Beast | Death/Black | 2009 | 3.75 | Larry Griffin | 2009-07-04 |
Azathoth's Dream | Nocturnal Vampyric Bewitchment | Black Metal | 2023 | 3.25 | Michel Renaud | 2023-11-06 |
Azatoth | Ruins of Humanity | Death Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2022-06-05 |
Azatoth | Ungodly Carnage | Death Metal | 2022 | 4 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2022-09-08 |
Azazel | Aegrum Satanas Tecum | Black Metal | 2021 | 3.75 | Luxi Lahtinen | 2021-09-24 |
Azazel | Aegrum Satanas Tecum | Black Metal | 2021 | 4 | Michel Renaud | 2022-02-27 |
Azeroth | Azeroth | Power Metal | 2000 | 4.5 | Steel Warrior | 2002-10-08 |
Azketem | Azetik | Black Metal | 2022 | 3.75 | Sargon the Terrible | 2023-02-01 |
The Metal Crypt - Crushing Posers Since 1999
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Michel Renaud / The Metal Crypt. All Rights Reserved.