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Review: Inculter - Fatal Visions
Fatal Visions

Label: Edged Circle Productions
Year released: 2019
Duration: 34:25
Tracks: 8
Genre: Thrash Metal


Review online: March 17, 2019
Reviewed by: Luxi Lahtinen
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Rated 4/5 (80%) (3 Votes)

Norway is not only known for its infamous and high-profile black metal scene but also for its very good quality thrash metal bands. One of the better Norwegian thrash metal bands, Inculter, hails from Bergen. The band's debut album, Persisting Devolution already showed potential, so there were high hopes for this second album.

Fatal Visions, this eight-song effort from these hungry and young thrashers, reclaims all those expectations that I had toward it. The musicianship and songwriting have both taken a couple of leaps forward in terms of catchiness, maturity and aggression. The lads have clearly made an attempt to make their own Schizophrenia, Darkness Descends or Reign in Blood with this second album and they have done a relatively splendid job at that. Most of the time, they keep things wild and furious as far the tempos are concerned, fitting their raw and simple thrash metal outbursts very well. Listening to the album, one could say the band truly is sort of in a fine crash, bang, wallop mood, speeding crazily ahead like a winning race car. It's also funny how much singer/guitarist Remi Nygård sounds like a cross between Max Cavalera and Tom G. Warrior at times, which adds a nice twist to the band's hostile and violent thrash sound.

If you are looking for fast, in-yer-face and old-school sounding thrash metal as it was meant to sound back in the eighties, then there's plenty of it on these leather jackets and sneakers wearing Norwegians' new album. Fuckin' thrash or be fuckin' thrashed!

More about Inculter...
Review: Persisting Devolution (reviewed by MetalMike)
Interview with vocalist and guitarist Remi Nygård on March 19, 2019 (Interviewed by Luxi Lahtinen)
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